Luis M. Rodriguez-R
Cited by
Cited by
High throughput ANI analysis of 90K prokaryotic genomes reveals clear species boundaries
C Jain, LM Rodriguez-R, AM Phillippy, KT Konstantinidis, S Aluru
Nature communications 9 (1), 5114, 2018
The enveomics collection: a toolbox for specialized analyses of microbial genomes and metagenomes
LM Rodriguez-R, KT Konstantinidis
PeerJ Preprints, 2016
Strengths and limitations of 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing in revealing temporal microbial community dynamics
R Poretsky, LM Rodriguez-R, C Luo, D Tsementzi, KT Konstantinidis
PloS one 9 (4), e93827, 2014
Bypassing Cultivation To Identify Bacterial Species
LM Rodriguez-R, KT Konstantinidis
Microbe 9 (3), 111-118, 2014
MyTaxa: an advanced taxonomic classifier for genomic and metagenomic sequences
C Luo, LM Rodriguez-r, KT Konstantinidis
Nucleic acids research 42 (8), e73-e73, 2014
The Microbial Genomes Atlas (MiGA) webserver: taxonomic and gene diversity analysis of Archaea and Bacteria at the whole genome level
LM Rodriguez-R, S Gunturu, WT Harvey, R Rosselló-Mora, JM Tiedje, ...
Nucleic acids research 46 (W1), W282-W288, 2018
Microbiome of the upper troposphere: species composition and prevalence, effects of tropical storms, and atmospheric implications
N DeLeon-Rodriguez, TL Lathem, LM Rodriguez-R, JM Barazesh, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (7), 2575-2580, 2013
Nonpareil: a redundancy-based approach to assess the level of coverage in metagenomic datasets
LM Rodriguez-R, KT Konstantinidis
Bioinformatics 30 (5), 629-635, 2013
New insights from the biogas microbiome by comprehensive genome-resolved metagenomics of nearly 1600 species originating from multiple anaerobic digesters
S Campanaro, L Treu, LM Rodriguez-R, A Kovalovszki, RM Ziels, I Maus, ...
Biotechnology for biofuels 13, 1-18, 2020
Nonpareil 3: fast estimation of metagenomic coverage and sequence diversity
LM Rodriguez-R, S Gunturu, JM Tiedje, JR Cole, KT Konstantinidis
MSystems 3 (3), 10.1128/msystems. 00039-18, 2018
Detecting nitrous oxide reductase (nosZ) genes in soil metagenomes: method development and implications for the nitrogen cycle
LH Orellana, LM Rodriguez-R, S Higgins, JC Chee-Sanford, RA Sanford, ...
mBio 10 (5), 01193-14, 2014
Estimating coverage in metagenomic data sets and why it matters
LM Rodriguez-r, KT Konstantinidis
The ISME journal 8 (11), 2349-2351, 2014
Microbial community successional patterns in beach sands impacted by the Deepwater Horizon oil spill
LM Rodriguez-r, WA Overholt, C Hagan, M Huettel, JE Kostka, ...
The ISME journal 9 (9), 1928-1940, 2015
Soil microbial community responses to a decade of warming as revealed by comparative metagenomics
C Luo, LM Rodriguez-R, ER Johnston, L Wu, L Cheng, K Xue, Q Tu, ...
Applied and environmental microbiology 80 (5), 1777-1786, 2014
Shifts in bacterial communities of two caribbean reef-building coral species affected by white plague disease.
A Cárdenas, LM Rodriguez-R, V Pizarro, LF Cadavid, C Arévalo-Ferro
The ISME journal, 2011
SAR11 bacteria linked to ocean anoxia and nitrogen loss
D Tsementzi, J Wu, S Deutsch, S Nath, LM Rodriguez-R, AS Burns, ...
Nature 536 (7615), 179-183, 2016
SeqCode: a nomenclatural code for prokaryotes described from sequence data
BP Hedlund, M Chuvochina, P Hugenholtz, KT Konstantinidis, AE Murray, ...
Nature Microbiology 7 (10), 1702-1708, 2022
The reliability of metagenome-assembled genomes (MAGs) in representing natural populations: insights from comparing MAGs against isolate genomes derived from the same fecal sample
A Meziti, LM Rodriguez-R, JK Hatt, A Peña-Gonzalez, K Levy, ...
Applied and environmental microbiology 87 (6), e02593-20, 2021
Genomes-based phylogeny of the genus Xanthomonas
LM Rodriguez-R, A Grajales, ML Arrieta-Ortiz, C Salazar, S Restrepo, ...
BMC microbiology 12, 1-14, 2012
An improved method for TAL effectors DNA-binding sites prediction reveals functional convergence in TAL repertoires of Xanthomonas oryzae strains
AL Pérez-Quintero, LM Rodriguez-R, A Dereeper, C López, R Koebnik, ...
PloS one 8 (7), e68464, 2013
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Articles 1–20