Majid Delavar
Majid Delavar
Associate Professor of Water Resources Engineering, Tarbiat Modares University
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Effects of dynamic land use/land cover change on water resources and sediment yield in the Anzali wetland catchment, Gilan, Iran
H Aghsaei, NM Dinan, A Moridi, Z Asadolahi, M Delavar, N Fohrer, ...
Science of the Total Environment 712, 136449, 2020
Application of water-energy-food nexus approach for designating optimal agricultural management pattern at a watershed scale
SH Sadeghi, ES Moghadam, M Delavar, M Zarghami
Agricultural Water Management 233, 106071, 2020
Using the SWAT model to assess the impacts of changing irrigation from surface to pressurized systems on water productivity and water saving in the Zarrineh Rud catchment
H Ahmadzadeh, S Morid, M Delavar, R Srinivasan
Agricultural water management 175, 15-28, 2016
Modelling impacts of climate change and anthropogenic activities on inflows and sediment loads of wetlands: Case study of the Anzali wetland
M Mahdian, M Hosseinzadeh, SM Siadatmousavi, Z Chalipa, M Delavar, ...
Scientific Reports 13 (1), 5399, 2023
High accuracy of precipitation reanalyses resulted in good river discharge simulations in a semi-arid basin
MR Eini, S Javadi, M Delavar, JAF Monteiro, M Darand
Ecological engineering 131, 107-119, 2019
Basin-wide water accounting based on modified SWAT model and WA+ framework for better policy making
M Delavar, S Morid, R Morid, A Farokhnia, F Babaeian, R Srinivasan, ...
Journal of Hydrology 585, 124762, 2020
Large-scale total water storage and water flux changes over the arid and semiarid parts of the Middle East from GRACE and reanalysis products
E Forootan, A Safari, A Mostafaie, M Schumacher, M Delavar, JL Awange
Surveys in Geophysics 38, 591-615, 2017
Development of alternative SWAT-based models for simulating water budget components and streamflow for a karstic-influenced watershed
MR Eini, S Javadi, M Delavar, PW Gassman, B Jarihani
Catena 195, 104801, 2020
Coupled quantity-quality simulation-optimization model for conjunctive surface-groundwater use
F Heydari, B Saghafian, M Delavar
Water Resources Management 30, 4381-4397, 2016
Evaluating climate adaptation strategies on agricultural production in the Siminehrud catchment and inflow into Lake Urmia, Iran using SWAT within an OECD framework
MR Zaman, S Morid, M Delavar
Agricultural Systems 147, 98-110, 2016
Evaluation of TIGGE ensemble forecasts of precipitation in distinct climate regions in Iran
S Aminyavari, B Saghafian, M Delavar
Advances in Atmospheric Sciences 35, 457-468, 2018
Agent-based modeling for evaluation of crop pattern and water management policies
A Nouri, B Saghafian, M Delavar, MR Bazargan-Lari
Water Resources Management 33, 3707-3720, 2019
Model-based water accounting for integrated assessment of water resources systems at the basin scale
M Delavar, MR Eini, VS Kuchak, MR Zaghiyan, A Shahbazi, ...
Science of the Total Environment 830, 154810, 2022
Effect and side-effect assessment of different agricultural water saving measures in an integrated framework
LG Raeisi, S Morid, M Delavar, R Srinivasan
Agricultural Water Management 223, 105685, 2019
Impacts of land use changes and climate variability on transboundary Hirmand River using SWAT
M Hajihosseini, H Hajihosseini, S Morid, M Delavar, MJ Booij
Journal of Water and Climate Change 11 (4), 1695-1711, 2020
Robust climate change adaptation pathways in agricultural water management
F Babaeian, M Delavar, S Morid, R Srinivasan
Agricultural Water Management 252, 106904, 2021
Hydrological assessment of the 1973 treaty on the transboundary Helmand River, using the SWAT model and a global climate database
H Hajihosseini, M Hajihosseini, S Morid, M Delavar, MJ Booij
Water resources management 30, 4681-4694, 2016
Assessment of climate change impacts on river hydrology and habitat suitability of Oxynoemacheilus bergianus. Case study: Kordan River, Iran
R Morid, M Delavar, S Eagderi, L Kumar
Hydrobiologia 771, 83-100, 2016
Assessment of climate change impacts on water resources in Zarrinehrud Basin using SWAT model
B Mansouri, H Ahmadzadeh, A Massah Bavani, S Morid, M Delavar, ...
Water and Soil 28 (6), 1203-1291, 2016
Real-time model for optimal water allocation in irrigation systems during droughts
M Delavar, M Moghadasi, S Morid
Journal of irrigation and drainage engineering 138 (6), 517-524, 2012
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Articles 1–20