Srikanth Gopalan
Srikanth Gopalan
Professor of Mechanical Engineering & Professor Materials Science and Engineering, Boston University
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Thermodynamic stabilities of SrCeO3 and BaCeO3 using a molten salt method and galvanic cells
S Gopalan, AV Virkar
Journal of the Electrochemical Society 140 (4), 1060, 1993
Polarization measurements on single-step co-fired solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs)
KJ Yoon, P Zink, S Gopalan, UB Pal
Journal of Power Sources 172 (1), 39-49, 2007
Effect of Sr Content and Strain on Sr Surface Segregation of La1–xSrxCo0.2Fe0.8O3−δ as Cathode Material for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells
Y Yu, KF Ludwig, JC Woicik, S Gopalan, UB Pal, TC Kaspar, SN Basu
ACS applied materials & interfaces 8 (40), 26704-26711, 2016
CuMn1. 8O4 protective coatings on metallic interconnects for prevention of Cr-poisoning in solid oxide fuel cells
Z Sun, R Wang, AY Nikiforov, S Gopalan, UB Pal, SN Basu
Journal of Power Sources 378, 125-133, 2018
Cu1. 3Mn1. 7O4 spinel coatings deposited by electrophoretic deposition on Crofer 22 APU substrates for solid oxide fuel cell applications
Z Sun, S Gopalan, UB Pal, SN Basu
Surface and Coatings Technology 323, 49-57, 2017
Mitigation of chromium poisoning of cathodes in solid oxide fuel cells employing CuMn1. 8O4 spinel coating on metallic interconnect
R Wang, Z Sun, UB Pal, S Gopalan, SN Basu
Journal of Power Sources 376, 100-110, 2018
Electrochemical performance of solid oxide fuel cells manufactured by single step co-firing process
KJ Yoon, W Huang, G Ye, S Gopalan, UB Pal, DA Seccombe
Journal of the Electrochemical Society 154 (4), B389, 2007
Effect of atmospheric CO2 on surface segregation and phase formation in La0. 6Sr0. 4Co0. 2Fe0. 8O3− δ thin films
Y Yu, H Luo, D Cetin, X Lin, K Ludwig, U Pal, S Gopalan, S Basu
Applied surface science 323, 71-77, 2014
Analysis of electrochemical performance of SOFCs using polarization modeling and impedance measurements
KJ Yoon, S Gopalan, UB Pal
Journal of the Electrochemical Society 156 (3), B311, 2008
Evaluation of electrophoretically deposited CuMn1. 8O4 spinel coatings on Crofer 22 APU for solid oxide fuel cell interconnects
W Huang, S Gopalan, UB Pal, SN Basu
Journal of The Electrochemical Society 155 (11), B1161, 2008
Improving intermediate temperature performance of Ni-YSZ cermet anodes for solid oxide fuel cells by liquid infiltration of nickel nanoparticles
Y Lu, P Gasper, UB Pal, S Gopalan, SN Basu
Journal of Power Sources 396, 257-264, 2018
Out-of-cell measurements of H2–H2O effective binary diffusivity in the porous anode of solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs)
W He, KJ Yoon, RS Eriksen, S Gopalan, SN Basu, UB Pal
Journal of Power Sources 195 (2), 532-535, 2010
Regenerative, coal-based solid oxide fuel cell-electrolyzers
S Gopalan, G Ye, UB Pal
Journal of power sources 162 (1), 74-80, 2006
Roles of humidity and cathodic current in chromium poisoning of Sr-doped LaMnO3-based cathodes in solid oxide fuel cells
R Wang, M Würth, UB Pal, S Gopalan, SN Basu
Journal of Power Sources 360, 87-97, 2017
Performance of intermediate temperature (600–800° C) solid oxide fuel cell based on Sr and Mg doped lanthanum-gallate electrolyte
W Gong, S Gopalan, UB Pal
Journal of power sources 160 (1), 305-315, 2006
Mechanochemical synthesis of nano-sized CeO2
S Gopalan, SC Singhal
Scripta materialia 42 (10), 993-996, 2000
Thermodynamic stability maps for the La0. 6Sr0. 4Co0. 2Fe0. 8O3±δ–CO2–O2 system for application in solid oxide fuel cells
S Darvish, S Gopalan, Y Zhong
Journal of Power Sources 336, 351-359, 2016
Defect chemistry and electrical properties of (La0. 8Ca0. 2) 0.95 FeO3− δ
KJ Yoon, PA Zink, S Gopalan, UB Pal, LR Pederson
Journal of the Electrochemical Society 156 (7), B795, 2009
Hydrogen generation and separation using Gd0. 2Ce0. 8O1. 9− δ–Gd0. 08Sr0. 88Ti0. 95Al0. 05O3±δ mixed ionic and electronic conducting membranes
H Wang, S Gopalan, UB Pal
Electrochimica acta 56 (20), 6989-6996, 2011
Effect of fuel composition on performance of single-step cofired SOFCs
KJ Yoon, S Gopalan, UB Pal
Journal of The Electrochemical Society 154 (10), B1080, 2007
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Articles 1–20