Jennifer Johns
Cited by
Cited by
Video games production networks: value capture, power relations and embeddedness
J Johns
Journal of economic geography 6 (2), 151-180, 2006
Recontextualising remote working and its HRM in the digital economy: An integrated framework for theory and practice
R Donnelly, J Johns
The International Journal of Human Resource Management 32 (1), 84-105, 2021
Fieldwork for human geography
R Phillips, J Johns
Sage, 2012
11 Beyond production clusters
N Coe, J Johns
Cultural industries and the production of culture, 188, 2004
Mapping the globalization of the temporary staffing industry
NM Coe, J Johns, K Ward
The professional geographer 59 (4), 503-520, 2007
Agents of casualization? The temporary staffing industry and labour market restructuring in Australia
NM Coe, J Johns, K Ward
Journal of Economic Geography 9 (1), 55-84, 2009
Managed flexibility: labour regulation, corporate strategies and market dynamics in the Swedish temporary staffing industry
NM Coe, J Johns, K Ward
European Urban and regional studies 16 (1), 65-85, 2009
Flexibility in action: the temporary staffing industry in the Czech Republic and Poland
NM Coe, J Johns, K Ward
Environment and Planning A 40 (6), 1391-1415, 2008
Manchester’s film and television industry: project ecologies and network hierarchies
J Johns
Urban Studies 47 (5), 1059-1077, 2010
Transforming the Japanese labour market: deregulation and the rise of temporary staffing
NM Coe, J Johns, K Ward
Regional Studies 45 (8), 1091-1106, 2011
Historicizing modern slavery: Free-grown sugar as an ethics-driven market category in nineteenth-century Britain
A Smith, J Johns
Journal of Business Ethics 166 (2), 271-292, 2020
Variegated global expansion: internationalization strategies in the temporary staffing industry
NM Coe, J Johns, K Ward
Geoforum 42 (1), 61-70, 2011
‘I have so little time […] I got shit I need to do’: Critical perspectives on making and sharing in Manchester’s FabLab
J Johns, SM Hall
Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space 52 (7), 1292-1312, 2020
Limits to expansion: transnational corporations and territorial embeddedness in the Japanese temporary staffing market
NM Coe, J Johns, K Ward
Global Networks 12 (1), 22-47, 2012
Digital technological upgrading in manufacturing global value chains: The impact of additive manufacturing
J Johns
Global Networks 22 (4), 649-665, 2022
Fieldwork and problem-based learning
C Perkins, M Evans, H Gavin, J Johns, J Moore
Planet 4 (1), 27-28, 2001
Transparency in supply chains and the lived experiences of workers and their families in the garment sectors of Bangladesh and Myanmar
L Vaughn, A Balch, JL Johns, S Currie
Journal of the British Academy 7 (s1), 35-60, 2019
Geography and history matter: International business and economic geography perspectives on the spatial and historical development of multinational enterprises
J Johns, P Buckley, L Campling, G Cook, M Hess, RR Sinkovics
The rise of multinationals from emerging economies: achieving a new balance …, 2015
The transformation of broadcasting and film in Manchester and Liverpool
G Cook, J Johns
Media Clusters, 2011
The routledge companion to the geography of international business
G Cook, J Johns, F McDonald, J Beaverstock, N Pandit
Routledge, 2018
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Articles 1–20