Daniel Balzani
Cited by
Cited by
A polyconvex framework for soft biological tissues. Adjustment to experimental data
D Balzani, P Neff, J Schröder, GA Holzapfel
International journal of solids and structures 43 (20), 6052-6070, 2006
A variational approach for materially stable anisotropic hyperelasticity
J Schröder, P Neff, D Balzani
International journal of solids and structures 42 (15), 4352-4371, 2005
Constitutive framework for the modeling of damage in collagenous soft tissues with application to arterial walls
D Balzani, S Brinkhues, GA Holzapfel
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 213, 139-151, 2012
Simulation of discontinuous damage incorporating residual stresses in circumferentially overstretched atherosclerotic arteries
D Balzani, J Schröder, D Gross
Acta biomaterialia 2 (6), 609-618, 2006
Approximation of random microstructures by periodic statistically similar representative volume elements based on lineal-path functions
J Schröder, D Balzani, D Brands
Archive of Applied Mechanics 81, 975-997, 2011
A new mixed finite element based on different approximations of the minors of deformation tensors
J Schröder, P Wriggers, D Balzani
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 200 (49-52), 3583-3600, 2011
Construction of two-and three-dimensional statistically similar RVEs for coupled micro-macro simulations
D Balzani, L Scheunemann, D Brands, J Schröder
Computational Mechanics 54, 1269-1284, 2014
Selective enzymatic removal of elastin and collagen from human abdominal aortas: Uniaxial mechanical response and constitutive modeling
AJ Schriefl, T Schmidt, D Balzani, G Sommer, GA Holzapfel
Acta biomaterialia 17, 125-136, 2015
Computational modeling of dual-phase steels based on representative three-dimensional microstructures obtained from EBSD data
D Brands, D Balzani, L Scheunemann, J Schröder, H Richter, D Raabe
Archive of Applied Mechanics 86, 575-598, 2016
Polyconvex anisotropic energies and modeling of damage applied to arterial walls
D Balzani
VGE, Verlag Glückauf, 2006
Robust numerical calculation of tangent moduli at finite strains based on complex-step derivative approximation and its application to localization analysis
M Tanaka, M Fujikawa, D Balzani, J Schröder
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 269, 454-470, 2014
Polyacrylamide Bead Sensors for in vivo Quantification of Cell-Scale Stress in Zebrafish Development
N Traeber, K Uhlmann, S Girardo, G Kesavan, K Wagner, J Friedrichs, ...
Scientific reports 9 (1), 17031, 2019
Numerical modeling of fluid–structure interaction in arteries with anisotropic polyconvex hyperelastic and anisotropic viscoelastic material models at finite strains
D Balzani, S Deparis, S Fausten, D Forti, A Heinlein, A Klawonn, ...
International journal for numerical methods in biomedical engineering 32 (10 …, 2016
Statistical approach for a continuum description of damage evolution in soft collagenous tissues
T Schmidt, D Balzani, GA Holzapfel
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 278, 41-61, 2014
Computational model for the cell-mechanical response of the osteocyte cytoskeleton based on self-stabilizing tensegrity structures
D Kardas, U Nackenhorst, D Balzani
Biomechanics and modeling in mechanobiology 12, 167-183, 2013
Parallel simulation of patient‐specific atherosclerotic arteries for the enhancement of intravascular ultrasound diagnostics
D Balzani, D Böse, D Brands, R Erbel, A Klawonn, O Rheinbach, ...
Engineering Computations 29 (8), 888-906, 2012
Relaxed incremental variational formulation for damage at large strains with application to fiber‐reinforced materials and materials with truss‐like microstructures
D Balzani, M Ortiz
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 92 (6), 551-570, 2012
Design of 3D statistically similar representative volume elements based on Minkowski functionals
L Scheunemann, D Balzani, D Brands, J Schröder
Mechanics of Materials 90, 185-201, 2015
A highly accurate 1st-and 2nd-order differentiation scheme for hyperelastic material models based on hyper-dual numbers
M Tanaka, T Sasagawa, R Omote, M Fujikawa, D Balzani, J Schröder
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 283, 22-45, 2015
A novel mixed finite element for finite anisotropic elasticity; the SKA-element Simplified Kinematics for Anisotropy
J Schröder, N Viebahn, D Balzani, P Wriggers
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 310, 475-494, 2016
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Articles 1–20