Alexis Kaminski
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Cited by
Stratified shear instability in a field of pre-existing turbulence
AK Kaminski, WD Smyth
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 862, 639-658, 2019
Transient growth in strongly stratified shear layers
AK Kaminski, CP Caulfield, JR Taylor
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 758, R4, 2014
Fluid dynamics challenges in predicting plastic pollution transport in the ocean: A perspective
BR Sutherland, M DiBenedetto, A Kaminski, T Van Den Bremer
Physical Review Fluids 8 (7), 070701, 2023
High-resolution observations of the North Pacific transition layer from a Lagrangian float
AK Kaminski, EA D’Asaro, AY Shcherbina, RR Harcourt
Journal of Physical Oceanography 51 (10), 3163-3181, 2021
Acoustic observations of Kelvin‐Helmholtz billows on an estuarine lutocline
J Tu, D Fan, Q Lian, Z Liu, W Liu, A Kaminski, W Smyth
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 125 (4), e2019JC015383, 2020
Nonlinear evolution of linear optimal perturbations of strongly stratified shear layers
AK Kaminski, CP Caulfield, JR Taylor
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 825, 213-244, 2017
The butterfly effect and the transition to turbulence in a stratified shear layer
CL Liu, AK Kaminski, WD Smyth
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 953, A43, 2022
Dynamics of asymmetric stratified shear instabilities
J Olsthoorn, AK Kaminski, DM Robb
Physical Review Fluids 8 (2), 024501, 2023
The effects of boundary proximity on Kelvin–Helmholtz instability and turbulence
CL Liu, AK Kaminski, WD Smyth
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 966, A2, 2023
Parameterizing eddy transport of biogeochemical tracers
CJ Prend, GR Flierl, KM Smith, AK Kaminski
Geophysical research letters 48 (21), e2021GL094405, 2021
Axisymmetric gravity currents in two-layer density-stratified media
RM Sahuri, AK Kaminski, MR Flynn, M Ungarish
Environmental Fluid Mechanics 15, 1035-1051, 2015
Shear instabilities and stratified turbulence in an estuarine fluid mud
J Tu, D Fan, F Sun, A Kaminski, W Smyth
Journal of Physical Oceanography 52 (10), 2257-2271, 2022
Modal decomposition of polychromatic internal wave fields in arbitrary stratifications
AK Kaminski, MR Flynn
Wave Motion 95, 102549, 2020
Turbulence and mixing from neighbouring stratified shear layers
CL Liu, AK Kaminski, WD Smyth
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 987, A8, 2024
An experimental investigation of the Rossby two-slit problem
AK Kaminski, KR Helfrich, J Pedlosky
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 893, A4, 2020
Modal decomposition of tidally-forced internal waves (reconstructed from timeseries data)
AK Kaminski
Multiscale mixing variability on the inner shelf
SF Lewin, AK Kaminski, JM McSweeney, AF Waterhouse
Authorea Preprints, 2025
Influence of stratified shear instabilities on particle sedimentation in three-dimensional simulations with application to marine carbon dioxide removal
AJK Yang, ML Timmermans, J Olsthoorn, AK Kaminski
Physical Review Fluids 10 (1), 014501, 2025
Quantifying irreversible transport and mixing of biogeochemical scalars in a stratified shear flow
V Laroche, A Kaminski
Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 2024
Turbulent Buoyant Plumes from Time-Varying Sources
Z Li, A Kaminski
Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 2024
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Articles 1–20