bart demoen
bart demoen
Professor of Computer Science, KU Leuven
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Cited by
Towards digesting the alphabet-soup of statistical relational learning
L De Raedt, B Demoen, D Fierens, B Gutmann, G Janssens, A Kimmig, ...
Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Probabilistic Programming: Universal …, 2008
On the implementation of the probabilistic logic programming language ProbLog
A Kimmig, B Demoen, L De Raedt, VS Costa, R Rocha
Theory and Practice of Logic Programming 11 (2-3), 235-262, 2011
Abstract interpretation: towards the global optimisation of Prolog programs
M Bruynooghe, G Janssens, A Callebaut, B Demoen
CW Reports, 25-25, 1987
Scaling up inductive logic programming by learning from interpretations
H Blockeel, L De Raedt, N Jacobs, B Demoen
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery 3 (1), 59-93, 1999
Improving the efficiency of inductive logic programming through the use of query packs
H Blockeel, L Dehaspe, B Demoen, G Janssens, J Ramon, ...
Arxiv preprint arXiv:1106.1803, 2011
Analyzing logic programs using
M Codish, B Demoen
The Journal of Logic Programming 25 (3), 249-274, 1995
The KU Leuven CHR system: Implementation and application
T Schrijvers, B Demoen
First workshop on constraint handling rules: selected contributions, 1-5, 2004
Completely positive maps on the CCR-algebra
B Demoen, P Vanheuverzwijn, A Verbeure
Letters in mathematical physics 2 (2), 161-166, 1977
Improving the execution speed of compiled Prolog with modes, clause selection, and determinism
P Van Roy, B Demoen, Y Willems
TAPSOFT'87, 111-125, 1987
Towards typed prolog
T Schrijvers, V Santos Costa, J Wielemaker, B Demoen
Logic Programming, 693-697, 2008
Query transformations for improving the efficiency of ILP systems
VS Costa, A Srinivasan, R Camacho, H Blockeel, B Demoen, G Janssens, ...
Journal of Machine Learning Research, 2002
An overview of HAL
B Demoen, M de la Banda, W Harvey, K Marriott, P Stuckey
Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming–CP’99, 174-188, 1999
Completely positive quasi-free maps of the CCR-algebra
B Demoen, P Vanheuverzwijn, A Verbeure
Reports on Mathematical Physics 15 (1), 27-39, 1979
Deriving Polymorphic Type Dependencies for Logic Programs Using Multiple Incarnations of Prop
MCB Demoen
Static analysis: First International Static Analysis Symposium, SAS'94 …, 1994
Deriving polymorphic type dependencies for logic programs using multiple incarnations of prop
M Codish, B Demoen
Static Analysis, 281-296, 1994
Dijkstra’s algorithm with Fibonacci heaps: An executable description in CHR
J Sneyers, T Schrijvers, B Demoen
20th Workshop on Logic Programming 1843, 06-02, 2006
So many WAM variations, so little time
B Demoen, PL Nguyen
Computational Logic—CL 2000, 1240-1254, 2000
On the efficient execution of ProbLog programs
A Kimmig, V Santos Costa, R Rocha, B Demoen, L De Raedt
Logic Programming, 175-189, 2008
On the static analysis of indirect control transfers in binaries
B De Sutter, B De Bus, K De Bosschere, P Keyngnaert, B Demoen
In PDPTA, 2000
Executing query packs in ILP
H Blockeel, L Dehaspe, B Demoen, G Janssens, J Ramon, ...
Inductive Logic Programming, 60-77, 2000
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Articles 1–20