lawrence amazue
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Cited by
Stress coping strategies, perceived organizational support and marital status as predictors of work–life balance among Nigerian bank employees
LO Amazue, IE Onyishi
Social Indicators Research 128, 147-159, 2016
Role of career satisfaction in basic psychological needs satisfaction and career commitment of nurses in Nigeria: A self‐determination theory perspective
IE Onyishi, IK Enwereuzor, MN Ogbonna, FO Ugwu, LO Amazue
Journal of Nursing Scholarship 51 (4), 470-479, 2019
Work-family life balance in a Nigerian banking sector setting
FO Ugwu, LO Amazue, NG Onyedire
Cogent Psychology 4 (1), 1290402, 2017
Psychological ownership, hope, resilience and employee work engagement among teachers in selected mission schools
FO Ugwu, LO Amazue
European Journal of Business and Management 6 (10), 98-106, 2014
Personality as a moderator between emotional exhaustion and workplace deviance among teachers
IK Enwereuzor, IE Onyishi, IF Onyebueke, LO Amazue, MB Nwoke
Journal of Psychology in Africa 27 (1), 41-46, 2017
The contributions of media, body image concerns and locality to the perceived self-esteem of female Nigerian adolescents
LO Amazue
Gender and Behaviour 12 (1), 6113-6124, 2014
Mental pain and suicidal ideation in nursing students: The moderating role of emotion regulation.
LO Amazue, OT Ozor, JBC Chukwuorji, CM Ifeagwazi, DU Onu, ...
Cognition, Brain, Behavior 23 (3), 2019
Loneliness and psychological health of orthopaedic patients’ caregivers: does gender make a difference?
JBC Chukwuorji, LO Amazue, OH Ekeh
Psychology, health & medicine 22 (4), 501-506, 2017
Surface acting and distress tolerance as predictors of workplace deviance among Nigerian commercial bank workers
LO Amazue, IE Onyishi, LE Amazue
African Journal of Business Management 8 (15), 582, 2014
Role of cognitive style, locality and gender in concept learning.
LO Amazue
Nigerian Journal of Psychological Research 5, 84-94, 2006
Association of near-miss with two erroneous gambling cognitions and betting intention: evidence from Nigerian adolescents
LO Amazue, LO Awo, AA Agbo, CN Ekwe, MC Ojiaku
Journal of Gambling Studies, 1-16, 2021
Impact of work and family involvement on work-family conflict of non professional Igbo Nigerian employees
LO Amazue
African Journal of Business Management 7 (16), 1515, 2013
Relationship between perceived leadership style, organizational justice and work alienation among Nigerian university employees
LO Amazue, OH Nwatu, BN Ome, CN Uzuegbu
IOSR Journal of Mathematics 12 (2), 137-146, 2016
Preparedness for caregiving moderates the association between burden and health-related quality of life among family caregivers of stroke patients in Nigeria
DU Onu, CT Orjiakor, NG Onyedire, LO Amazue, TJ Allison
South African Journal of Psychology 52 (3), 338-350, 2022
Gender and health behaviours of hypertensive patients: Mediating role of control beliefs
JBC Chukwuorji, LO Amazue, CM Ifeagwazi, BE Chibueze
Psychology, Health & Medicine 22 (6), 640-645, 2017
Financial self-efficacy, retirement goal clarity, and preretirement anxiety among nurses in southeast Nigeria: The mediating role of job embeddedness
IVN Ujoatuonu, OO Ike, LO Amazue, GC Kanu
Innovation in Aging 8 (4), igad067, 2024
Mediating role of impulsivity in the contributory roles of upward versus downward counterfactual thinking in youth gambling intention
LO Awo, LO Amazue, VC Eze, CN Ekwe
Journal of Gambling Studies 39 (1), 33-48, 2023
Moderating effect of impulsivity on the association between entrapment and problem gambling
LO Awo, LO Amazue, CA Oko
Journal of Gambling Studies 38 (2), 515-527, 2022
Erroneous cognition and gambling intention of youths
LO Awo, LO Amazue, SK Nwonyi
Nigerian Journal of Psychological Research 16 (2), 2020
Role of Cultural Variations, Self-esteem and Gender in work-family Conflict
LO Amazue
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Articles 1–20