Chao Yuan
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Yade documentation
V Smilauer, V Angelidakis, E Catalano, R Caulk, B Chareyre, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2301.00611, 2023
Comprehensive comparison of pore-scale models for multiphase flow in porous media
B Zhao, CW MacMinn, BK Primkulov, Y Chen, AJ Valocchi, J Zhao, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (28), 13799-13806, 2019
Prediction of slope stability using naive Bayes classifier
X Feng, S Li, C Yuan, P Zeng, Y Sun
KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering 22, 941-950, 2018
Pore-scale simulations of drainage in granular materials: finite size effects and the representative elementary volume
C Yuan, B Chareyre, F Darve
Advances in water resources 95, 109-124, 2016
A novel constitutive modelling approach measured under simulated freeze–thaw cycles for the rock failure
H Zhang, C Yuan, G Yang, L Wu, C Peng, W Ye, Y Shen, H Moayedi
Engineering with Computers 37, 779-792, 2021
Evaluation and comparison of the advanced metaheuristic and conventional machine learning methods for the prediction of landslide occurrence
C Yuan, H Moayedi
Engineering with Computers 36 (4), 1801-1811, 2020
The performance of six neural-evolutionary classification techniques combined with multi-layer perception in two-layered cohesive slope stability analysis and failure recognition
C Yuan, H Moayedi
Engineering with Computers 36, 1705-1714, 2020
A pore-scale method for hydromechanical coupling in deformable granular media
C Yuan, B Chareyre
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 318, 1066-1079, 2017
Mechanical behaviour of a large-span double-arch tunnel
S Li, C Yuan, X Feng, S Li
KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering 20 (7), 2737-2745, 2016
Adaptability of polyurethane/water glass grouting reinforcement to subsea tunnels
S Li, P Wang, C Yuan, J Li, P Ma, B Zhi, H Zhou, Y Tian
Construction and Building Materials 311, 125354, 2021
Soil conditioning for EPB shield tunneling in silty clay and weathered mudstone
Z Wan, S Li, C Yuan, S Zhao, M Wang, Q Lu, W Hou
International journal of geomechanics 21 (9), 06021020, 2021
Boundary equation of plastic zone of circular roadway in non-axisymmetric stress and its application
Journal of China Coal Society, 2019
Yade documentation 2nd ed
V Smilauer, E Catalano, B Chareyre, S Dorofeenko, J Duriez, N Dyck, ...
Geneva: CERN-Zenodo 10, 2015
Research on large deformation mechanism of deep roadway with dynamic pressure
L Fan, W Wang, C Yuan, W Peng
Energy Science & Engineering 8 (9), 3348-3364, 2020
Numerical simulation of the supporting effect of anchor rods on layered and nonlayered roof rocks
C Yuan, L Fan, J Cui, W Wang
Advances in Civil Engineering 2020 (1), 4841658, 2020
Damage constitutive prediction model for rock under freeze–thaw cycles based on mesoscopic damage definition
X Meng, H Zhang, C Yuan, Y Li, X Liu, S Chen, Y Shen
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 293, 109685, 2023
Effects of anti-clay agents on bubble size distribution and stability of aqueous foam under pressure for earth pressure balance shield tunneling
S Zhao, S Li, Z Wan, X Wang, M Wang, C Yuan
Colloid and Interface Science Communications 42, 100424, 2021
Deformation and stresses upon drainage of an idealized granular material
C Yuan, B Chareyre, F Darve
Acta Geotechnica 13 (4), 961-972, 2018
Hybrid multi-scale model for partially saturated media based on a pore network approach and lattice boltzmann method
EP Montellá, C Yuan, B Chareyre, A Gens
Advances in Water Resources 144, 103709, 2020
Computational intelligence models for predicting the frictional resistance of driven pile foundations in cold regions
S Chen, H Zhang, KI Zykova, HG Touchaei, C Yuan, H Moayedi, BN Le
Computers and Concrete 32 (2), 217-232, 2023
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