Christian Mohn
Christian Mohn
Senior Researcher, Dept. of Ecoscience, Aarhus University
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Deep-water coral development as a function of hydrodynamics and surface productivity around the submarine banks of the Rockall Trough, NE Atlantic
M White, C Mohn, H de Stigter, G Mottram
Cold-water corals and ecosystems, 503-514, 2005
Motion, commotion, and biophysical connections at deep ocean seamounts
JW Lavelle, C Mohn
Oceanography-Oceanography Society 23 (1), 90-103, 2010
Linking benthic hydrodynamics and cold-water coral occurrences: A high-resolution model study at three cold-water coral provinces in the NE Atlantic
C Mohn, A Rengstorf, M White, G Duineveld, F Mienis, K Soetaert, ...
Progress in Oceanography 122, 92-104, 2014
The upper ocean circulation at Great Meteor Seamount. Part II: Retention potential of the seamount-induced circulation
A Beckmann, C Mohn
Ocean Dynamics 52 (4), 194-204, 2002
A primer for the Environmental Impact Assessment of mining at seafloor massive sulfide deposits
PC Collins, P Croot, J Carlsson, A Colaço, A Grehan, K Hyeong, ...
Marine Policy 42, 198-209, 2013
Ecosystem engineering creates a direct nutritional link between 600-m deep cold-water coral mounds and surface productivity
K Soetaert, C Mohn, A Rengstorf, A Grehan, D van Oevelen
Scientific Reports 6, 35057, 2016
The upper ocean circulation at Great Meteor Seamount. Part I: Structure of density and flow fields
C Mohn, A Beckmann
Ocean Dynamics 52 (4), 179-193, 2002
Predicting the distribution of deep-sea vulnerable marine ecosystems using High-resolution data: Considerations and novel approaches
AM Rengstorf, C Mohn, C Brown, MS Wisz, AJ Grehan
Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers 93, 72-82, 2014
Interaction of Mediterranean water eddies with Sedlo and Seine seamounts, subtropical Northeast Atlantic
I Bashmachnikov, C Mohn, JL Pelegrí, A Martins, F Jose, F Machín, ...
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 56 (25), 2593-2605, 2009
Assessing plume impacts caused by polymetallic nodule mining vehicles
PPE Weaver, J Aguzzi, RE Boschen-Rose, A Colaço, H de Stigter, ...
Marine Policy 139, 105011, 2022
The effect of flow at Maud Rise on the sea-ice cover–numerical experiments
A Beckmann, R Timmermann, AF Pereira, C Mohn
Ocean Dynamics 52, 11-25, 2001
Numerical studies on flow amplification at an isolated shelfbreak bank, with application to Porcupine Bank
C Mohn, A Beckmann
Continental shelf research 22 (9), 1325-1338, 2002
Nepheloid layer distribution in the Whittard Canyon, NE Atlantic Margin
AM Wilson, R Raine, C Mohn, M White
Marine Geology 367, 130-142, 2015
Seamounts: a review of physical processes and their influence on the seamount ecosystem
M White, C Mohn
OASIS Project Report, 40 pp, 2004
The distribution of blue whiting eggs and larvae on Porcupine Bank in relation to hydrography and currents
M Kloppmann, C Mohn, J Bartsch
Fisheries Research 50 (1-2), 89-109, 2001
Possible causes of a harbour porpoise mass stranding in Danish waters in 2005
AJ Wright, M Maar, C Mohn, J Nabe-Nielsen, U Siebert, LF Jensen, ...
PLoS One 8 (2), e55553, 2013
Nutrient distributions across the Porcupine Bank
M White, C Mohn, MJ Orren
ICES Journal of Marine Science 55 (6), 1082-1094, 1998
Dynamics at an elongated, intermediate depth seamount in the North Atlantic (Sedlo Seamount, 40° 20'N, 26° 40'W)
C Mohn, M White, I Bashmachnikov, F Jose, JL Pelegrí
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 56 (25), 2582-2592, 2009
Observations of the mass and flow field at Porcupine Bank
C Mohn, J Bartsch, J Meincke
ICES Journal of Marine Science 59 (2), 380-392, 2002
Maritime Spatial Planning supported by systematic site selection: Applying Marxan for offshore wind power in the western Baltic Sea
C Göke, K Dahl, C Mohn
PloS one 13 (3), e0194362, 2018
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Articles 1–20