Kristina Langer
Kristina Langer
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Prediction and characterization of residual stresses from laser shock peening
RA Brockman, WR Braisted, SE Olson, RD Tenaglia, AH Clauer, K Langer, ...
International Journal of Fatigue 36 (1), 96-108, 2012
Thermal relaxation of residual stress in laser shock peened Ti–6Al–4V alloy
Z Zhou, S Bhamare, G Ramakrishnan, SR Mannava, K Langer, Y Wen, ...
Surface and Coatings Technology 206 (22), 4619-4627, 2012
A finite element study of thermal relaxation of residual stress in laser shock peened IN718 superalloy
Z Zhou, AS Gill, D Qian, SR Mannava, K Langer, Y Wen, VK Vasudevan
International Journal of Impact Engineering 38 (7), 590-596, 2011
Simulation-based optimization of laser shock peening process for improved bending fatigue life of Ti–6Al–2Sn–4Zr–2Mo alloy
S Bhamare, G Ramakrishnan, SR Mannava, K Langer, VK Vasudevan, ...
Surface and Coatings Technology 232, 464-474, 2013
Material model validation for laser shock peening process simulation
HK Amarchinta, RV Grandhi, K Langer, DS Stargel
Modelling and simulation in materials science and engineering 17 (1), 015010, 2008
Simulation of residual stress induced by a laser peening process through inverse optimization of material models
HK Amarchinta, RV Grandhi, AH Clauer, K Langer, DS Stargel
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 210 (14), 1997-2006, 2010
Experimental and finite element simulation study of thermal relaxation of residual stresses in laser shock peened IN718 SPF superalloy
Z Zhou, AS Gill, A Telang, SR Mannava, K Langer, VK Vasudevan, D Qian
Experimental Mechanics 54, 1597-1611, 2014
Machine learning-based prediction and optimisation system for laser shock peening
J Mathew, R Kshirsagar, S Zabeen, N Smyth, S Kanarachos, K Langer, ...
Applied Sciences 11 (7), 2888, 2021
The effect of material cyclic deformation properties on residual stress generation by laser shock processing
I Angulo, F Cordovilla, A García-Beltrán, NS Smyth, K Langer, ...
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 156, 370-381, 2019
Finite element analysis of laser peening of thin aluminum structures
K Langer, TJ Spradlin, ME Fitzpatrick
Metals 10 (1), 93, 2020
Experimental validation of simulated fatigue life estimates in laser‐peened aluminum
TJ Spradlin, RV Grandhi, K Langer
International Journal of Structural Integrity 2 (1), 74-86, 2011
An Efficient Reliability-Based Simulation Method for Optimum Laser Peening Treatment
PJ Hasser, AS Malik, K Langer, TJ Spradlin, MI Hatamleh
Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering 138 (11), 2016
Effect of texture on the residual stress response from laser peening of an aluminium-lithium alloy
S Zabeen, K Langer, ME Fitzpatrick
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 251, 317-329, 2018
Mitigation of Fatigue and Pre-Cracking Damage in Aircraft Structures Through Low Plasticity Burnishing
J Jayayaman, D Hornbach, P Prevey, K Langer, J Hoover, S Van Hoogan
Aircraft Structural Integrity Program, 2007
Effect of alloy temper on surface modification of aluminium 2624 by laser shock peening
S Zabeen, K Langer, ME Fitzpatrick
Surface and Coatings Technology 347, 123-135, 2018
High Strain‐Rate Material Model Validation for Laser Peening Simulation
K Langer, S Olson, R Brockman, W Braisted, T Spradlin, ME Fitzpatrick
The Journal of Engineering 2015 (13), 150-157, 2015
An active learning methodology for efficient estimation of expensive noisy black-box functions using Gaussian process regression
R Meka, A Alaeddini, S Oyama, K Langer
IEEE Access 8, 111460-111474, 2020
Modeling and optimization of a laser shock peening process
G Singh, R Grandhi, D Stargel, K Langer
12th AIAA/ISSMO multidisciplinary analysis and optimization conference, 5838, 2008
Simulation of surface roughness effects on residual stress in laser shock peening
PJ Hasser, AS Malik, K Langer, TJ Spradlin
International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference 55454 …, 2013
Integrated finite element & optimization model for laser shock pressure impulse shape determination
C Engebretsen, A Palazotto, K Langer
Engineering Research Express 1 (1), 015020, 2019
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Articles 1–20