Articles with public access mandates - Frank Harald NeumannLearn more
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Late Quaternary palaeoenvironments in the central semi-arid region of South Africa from pollen in cave, pan, spring, stream and dung deposits
M Scott, L.: Sobol, FH Neumann, G Gil-Romera, Y Fernandez Yalvo, ...
Quaternary International 614, 84-97, 2022
Mandates: US National Science Foundation, National Research Foundation, South Africa …
Mid-to Late Holocene climatic and anthropogenic influences in Mpondoland, South Africa
A Hahn, FH Neumann, C Miller, J Finch, T Frankland, HC Cawthra, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 261, 106938, 2021
Mandates: Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Germany
Palaeoenvironmental sequences surrounding Border Cave, South Africa, and review of conditions during middle and later stone age occupation
L Scott, FH Neumann, AC van Aardt, B Greg A.
Quaternary Science Reviews 300, 107894, 2023
Mandates: National Research Foundation, South Africa, Government of Spain
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Holocene climate variability in the Levant from the Dead Sea pollen record
T Litt, C Ohlwein, FH Neumann, A Hense, M Stein
Quaternary Science Reviews 49, 95-105, 2012
Mandates: German Research Foundation
Vegetation and climate changes during the Bronze and Iron Ages (∼ 3600–600 BCE) in the southern Levant based on palynological records
D Langgut, I Finkelstein, T Litt, FH Neumann, M Stein
Radiocarbon 57 (2), 217-235, 2015
Mandates: European Commission
Dead Sea pollen record and history of human activity in the Judean Highlands (Israel) from the Intermediate Bronze into the Iron Ages (∼ 2500–500 BCE)
D Langgut, FH Neumann, M Stein, A Wagner, EJ Kagan, E Boaretto, ...
Palynology 38 (2), 280-302, 2014
Mandates: European Commission
Downscaling last glacial maximum climate over southern Africa
FA Engelbrecht, CW Marean, RM Cowling, CJ Engelbrecht, FH Neumann, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 226, 105879, 2019
Mandates: US National Science Foundation, Council of Scientific and Industrial …
Archaeological reconnaissance for middle stone age sites along the Pondoland Coast, South Africa
EC Fisher, M Poupart, J Pargeter, FH Neumann, CW Marean, A Jerardino, ...
PaleoAnthropology 2013, 104-137, 2013
Mandates: Government of Spain
Late Quaternary vegetation dynamics and hydro-climate in the Drakensberg, South Africa
E Norström, FH Neumann, L Scott, RH Smittenberg, H Holmstrand, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 105, 48-65, 2014
Mandates: Swedish Research Council
Dead Sea levels during the Bronze and Iron ages
EJ Kagan, D Langgut, E Boaretto, FH Neumann, M Stein
Radiocarbon 57 (2), 237-252, 2015
Mandates: European Commission
The place beyond the trees: renewed excavations of the Middle Stone Age deposits at Olieboomspoort in the Waterberg Mountains of the South African Savanna Biome
A Val, P de la Peña, M Duval, S Bansal, F Colino, J Culey, T Hodgskiss, ...
Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 13 (7), 2021
Mandates: Australian Research Council, Government of Spain
The Middle to Upper Paleolithic transition in the southern Levant: New insights from the late Middle Paleolithic site of Far’ah II, Israel
M Goder-Goldberger, O Crouvi, V Caracuta, LK Horwitz, FH Neumann, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 237, 106304, 2020
Mandates: National Research Foundation, South Africa
Coastal palaeoenvironments and hunter-gatherer plant-use at Waterfall Bluff rock shelter in Mpondoland (South Africa) from MIS 3 to the Early Holocene
I Esteban, MK Bamford, A House, C Miller, FH Neumann, E Schefuß, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 250 (December 2020), 106664, 2020
Mandates: US National Science Foundation, German Research Foundation
Pollen taphonomy from hyaena scats and coprolites: preservation and quantitative differences
G Gil-Romera, FH Neumann, L Scott, M Sevilla-Callejo, ...
Journal of archaeological science 46, 89-95, 2014
Mandates: Government of Spain
Origin and divergence of Afro-Indian Picrodendraceae: Linking pollen morphology, dispersal modes, fossil records, molecular dating and paleogeography
F Grímsson, SA Graham, M Coiro, BF Jacobs, A Xafis, FH Neumann, ...
Grana 58 (4), 227-275, 2019
Mandates: US National Science Foundation, Austrian Science Fund, National Research …
The first Loranthaceae fossils from Africa
F Grímsson, A Xafis, FH Neumann, L Scott, MK Bamford, R Zetter
Grana 57 (4), 249-259, 2018
Mandates: Austrian Science Fund, National Research Foundation, South Africa
Re-investigation of the Bispingen palaeolake sediment succession(northern Germany) reveals that the Last Interglacial (Eemian) innorthern-central Europe lasted at least~15 000 …
S Lauterbach, FH Neumann, R Tjallingii, A Brauer
BOREAS, 1-19, 2024
Mandates: Helmholtz Association
Pollen morphology of extant Winteraceae: a study allowing SEM-based affiliation of its fossil representatives
F Grímsson, A Xafis, FH Neumann, R Zetter
Acta Palaeobotanica 57 (2), 339-396, 2017
Mandates: Austrian Science Fund
The South African Pollen Monitoring Network: Insights from 2 years of national aerospora sampling (2019–2021)
N Esterhuizen, DM Berman, FH Neumann, L Ajikah, LJ Quick, E Hilmer, ...
Clinical Translational Allergy 2023, e12304., 2023
Mandates: Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, India
Hunting in the skies: Dating, paleoenvironment and archaeology at the late Pre-Pottery Neolithic B site of Naḥal Roded 110, Eilat Mountains, Israel
M Birkenfeld, U Avner, DE Bar-Yosef Mayer, LS Cummings, F Natalio, ...
Paléorient 46 (1-2), 43-68, 2020
Mandates: Agence Nationale de la Recherche
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