Carlos J. Cattena
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Cited by
Crucial role of decoherence for electronic transport in molecular wires: Polyaniline as a case study
CJ Cattena, RA Bustos-Marún, HM Pastawski
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 82 (14), 144201, 2010
Generalized multi-terminal decoherent transport: recursive algorithms and applications to SASER and giant magnetoresistance
CJ Cattena, LJ Fernández-Alcázar, RA Bustos-Marun, D Nozaki, ...
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 26 (34), 345304, 2014
Noise-resilient multi-frequency surface sensor for nuclear quadrupole resonance
AS Peshkovsky, CJ Cattena, LM Cerioni, TM Osán, JG Forguez, ...
Journal of Magnetic Resonance 194 (2), 222-229, 2008
An efficient coarse-grained approach for the electron transport through large molecular systems under dephasing environment
D Nozaki, R Bustos-Marún, CJ Cattena, G Cuniberti, HM Pastawski
The European Physical Journal B 89, 1-7, 2016
Quantum decoherence effects on electronic transport in molecular wires and nanodevices.
CJ Cattena
Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, 2012
Generalized multiprobe decoherent transport: Recursive algorithms and applications.
CJ Cattena, RA Bustos-Marún, LJ Fernández-Alcázar, D Nozaki, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1311.2231, 2013
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Articles 1–6