Articles with public access mandates - esteveLearn more
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Chronic treatment with minoxidil induces elastic fiber neosynthesis and functional improvement in the aorta of aged mice
M Coquand-Gandit, MP Jacob, W Fhayli, B Romero, M Georgieva, ...
Rejuvenation research 20 (3), 218-230, 2017
Mandates: European Commission
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A malignant hyperthermia–inducing mutation in RYR1 (R163C): alterations in Ca2+ entry, release, and retrograde signaling to the DHPR
E Estève, JM Eltit, RA Bannister, K Liu, IN Pessah, KG Beam, PD Allen, ...
Journal of General Physiology 135 (6), 619-628, 2010
Mandates: US National Institutes of Health
A malignant hyperthermia–inducing mutation in RYR1 (R163C): consequent alterations in the functional properties of DHPR channels
RA Bannister, E Estève, JM Eltit, IN Pessah, PD Allen, JR López, ...
Journal of General Physiology 135 (6), 629-640, 2010
Mandates: US National Institutes of Health
Murine obscurin and Obsl1 have functionally redundant roles in sarcolemmal integrity, sarcoplasmic reticulum organization, and muscle metabolism
J Blondelle, V Marrocco, M Clark, P Desmond, S Myers, J Nguyen, ...
Communications biology 2 (1), 178, 2019
Mandates: US National Institutes of Health, American Heart Association
Contribution of TRPC Channels to Intracellular Ca2 + Dyshomeostasis in Smooth Muscle From mdx Mice
JR Lopez, A Uryash, G Faury, E Estève, JA Adams
Frontiers in Physiology 11, 126, 2020
Mandates: Fondazione Telethon, Italy
Chronic administration of minoxidil protects elastic fibers and stimulates their neosynthesis with improvement of the aorta mechanics in mice
W Fhayli, M Boyer, Z Ghandour, MP Jacob, JP Andrieu, BC Starcher, ...
Cellular Signalling 62, 109333, 2019
Mandates: Agence Nationale de la Recherche
Cardioprotective Effect of Whole Body Periodic Acceleration in Dystrophic Phenotype mdx Rodent
A Uryash, A Mijares, E Esteve, JA Adams, JR Lopez
Frontiers in Physiology 12, 658042, 2021
Mandates: Fondazione Telethon, Italy
Combined loss of obscurin and obscurin-like 1 in murine hearts results in impaired diastolic dysfunction, altered metabolism and deregulated mitophagy
K Fujita, P Desmond, J Blondelle, M Soták, MR Rajan, M Clark, E Esteve, ...
bioRxiv, 2022.08. 24.505098, 2022
Mandates: US Department of Defense, US National Institutes of Health, Knut and Alice …
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