Bruno Barbier
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Cited by
Human vulnerability to climate variability in the Sahel: farmers’ adaptation strategies in northern Burkina Faso
B Barbier, H Yacouba, H Karambiri, M Zoromé, B Somé
Environmental management 43, 790-803, 2009
Advancing climate-smart-agriculture in developing drylands: Joint analysis of the adoption of multiple on-farm soil and water conservation technologies in West African Sahel
RAB Kpadonou, T Owiyo, B Barbier, F Denton, F Rutabingwa, A Kiema
Land use policy 61, 196-207, 2017
Induced innovation and land degradation: Results from a bioeconomic model of a village in West Africa
B Barbier
Agricultural economics 19 (1-2), 15-25, 1998
Adaptation strategies and climate vulnerability in the Sudano‐Sahelian region of West Africa
O Mertz, C Mbow, A Reenberg, L Genesio, EF Lambin, S D'haen, ...
Atmospheric Science Letters 12 (1), 104-108, 2011
Climate factors play a limited role for past adaptation strategies in West Africa
O Mertz, C Mbow, JØ Nielsen, A Maiga, D Diallo, A Reenberg, A Diouf, ...
Ecology and Society 15 (4), 2010
Impact of policy interventions on land management in Honduras: results of a bioeconomic model
B Barbier, G Bergeron
Agricultural Systems 60 (1), 1-16, 1999
Water, agriculture and poverty in the Niger River basin
A Ogilvie, G Mahé, J Ward, G Serpantié, J Lemoalle, P Morand, B Barbier, ...
Water, Food and Poverty in River Basins, 131-159, 2013
Diversification and adaptation strategies to climate variability: A farm typology for the Sahel
M Zorom, B Barbier, O Mertz, E Servat
Agricultural systems 116, 7-15, 2013
Climate variability and environmental stress in the Sudan-Sahel zone of West Africa
O Mertz, S D’haen, A Maiga, IB Moussa, B Barbier, A Diouf, D Diallo, ...
Ambio 41, 380-392, 2012
Assessing the impact of climate variability and climate change on runoff in West Africa: the case of Senegal and Nakambe River basins
H Karambiri, SG García Galiano, JD Giraldo, H Yacouba, B Ibrahim, ...
Atmospheric Science Letters 12 (1), 109-115, 2011
Perceptions du changement climatique, impacts environnementaux et stratégies endogènes d’adaptation par les producteurs du Centre-nord du Burkina Faso
PN Kabore, B Barbier, P Ouoba, A Kiema, L Some, A Ouedraogo
VertigO 19 (1), 2019
Estimating the potential economic value of seasonal forecasts in West Africa: A long-term ex-ante assessment in Senegal
B Sultan, B Barbier, J Fortilus, SM Mbaye, G Leclerc
Weather, Climate, and Society 2 (1), 69-87, 2010
Farmers' perception and willingness to pay for climate information in Burkina Faso
B Zongo, A Diarra, B Barbier, M Zorom, H Yacouba, T Dogot
Natural resource management in the hillsides of Honduras: Bioeconomic modeling at the microwatershed level
B Barbier, G Bergeron
Intl Food Policy Res Inst, 2001
Baisse des pluies et augmentation des écoulements au Sahel: impact climatique et anthropique sur les écoulements du Nakambe au Burkina Faso
G Mahé, P Diello, JE Paturel, B Barbier, H Karambiri, A Dezetter, ...
Sécheresse 21 (4), 330-332, 2010
Performance of small reservoir irrigated schemes in the Upper Volta basin: Case studies in Burkina Faso and Ghana
JC Poussin, L Renaudin, D Adogoba, A Sanon, F Tazen, W Dogbe, ...
Water resources and rural development 6, 50-65, 2015
Economic and environmental performances of organic farming system compared to conventional farming system: a case study of the horticulture sector in the Niayes region of Senegal
BAA Binta, B Barbier
Procedia Environmental Sciences 29, 17-19, 2015
L'agriculture irriguée dans le Sahel ouest-africain: diversité des pratiques et des performances
B Barbier, H Ouedraogo, Y Dembélé, H Yacouba, B Barry, JY Jamin
EDP Sciences, 2011
Le retour des grands investissements hydrauliques en Afrique de l’Ouest: les perspectives et les enjeux
B Barbier, H Yacouba, AH Maiga, G Mahé, JE Paturel
Géocarrefour 84 (1-2), 31-41, 2009
Impact of market and population pressure on production, incomes and natural resources in the dryland savannas of West Africa: bioeconomic modeling at the village level
B Barbier
International Food Policy Research Institute, 1996
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Articles 1–20