Ugur Kale
Cited by
Cited by
Digital divide among higher education faculty
KA Soomro, U Kale, R Curtis, M Akcaoglu, M Bernstein
International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education 17, 1-16, 2020
Teaching style, ICT experience and teachers’ attitudes toward teaching with Web 2.0
U Kale, D Goh
Education and Information Technologies 19, 41-60, 2014
Computational what? Relating computational thinking to teaching
U Kale, M Akcaoglu, T Cullen, D Goh, L Devine, N Calvert, K Grise
TechTrends 62 (6), 574-584, 2018
Past research in instructional technology: Results of a content analysis of empirical studies published in three prominent instructional technology journals from the year 2000 …
KF Hew, U Kale, N Kim
Journal of Educational Computing Research 36 (3), 269-300, 2007
Technology valued? Observation and review activities to enhance future teachers’ utility value toward technology integration
U Kale
Computers & Education 117, 160-174, 2018
Development of an instrument to measure Faculty’s information and communication technology access (FICTA)
KA Soomro, U Kale, R Curtis, M Akcaoglu, M Bernstein
Education and information technologies 23, 253-269, 2018
Can they plan to teach with Web 2.0? Future teachers’ potential use of the emerging web.
U Kale
Technology, Pedagogy and Education, 1-19, 2013
The urban–rural gap: project-based learning with Web 2.0 among West Virginian teachers
D Goh, U Kale
Technology, Pedagogy and Education 25 (3), 355-376, 2016
An Exploration of Pre-Service Teachers’ Intention to Use Mobile Devices for Teaching
JW Hur, YW Shen, U Kale, TA Cullen
International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning 7 (3), 1-18, 2015
The role of relevance in future teachers’ utility value and interest toward technology
U Kale, M Akcaoglu
Educational Technology Research and Development 66 (2), 283-311, 2018
Still a New Kid on the Block? Computational Thinking as Problem Solving in
U Kale, J Yuan
Journal of Educational Computing Research, 2020
Pre-service teachers’ and teacher-educators’ experiences and attitudes toward using social networking sites for collaborative learning
KA Soomro, U Kale, S Yousuf Zai
Educational Media International 51 (4), 278-294, 2014
Teaching to teach (with) game design: Game design and learning workshops for preservice teachers
M Akcaoglu, U Kale
Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education 16 (1), 60-81, 2016
Contextual factors influencing access to teaching computational thinking
U Kale, M Akcaoglu, T Cullen, D Goh
Computers in the Schools 35 (2), 69-87, 2018
Structuring video cases to support future teachers’ problem solving
U Kale, P Whitehouse
Journal of Research on Technology in Education 44 (3), 177-204, 2012
Levels of interaction and proximity: Content analysis of video-based classroom cases
U Kale
The Internet and Higher Education 11 (2), 119-128, 2008
To design or to integrate? Instructional design versus technology integration in developing learning interventions
U Kale, A Roy, J Yuan
Educational Technology Research and Development 68, 2473-2504, 2020
Evaluation of the persistent issues in history laboratory for virtual field experience (PIH-LVFE)
T Brush, J Saye, U Kale, J Hur, J Kohlmeier, T Yerasimou, L Guo, ...
American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Instructional …, 2007
From print to digital platforms: A PBL framework for fostering multimedia competencies and consciousness in traditional journalism education
D Goh, U Kale
Journalism & Mass Communication Educator 70 (3), 307-323, 2015
Problem solving and teaching how to solve problems in technology-rich contexts
U Kale, M Akcaoglu
Peabody Journal of Education 95 (2), 127-138, 2020
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Articles 1–20