Beyond relational demography: Time and the effects of surface-and deep-level diversity on work group cohesion DA Harrison, KH Price, MP Bell Academy of management journal 41 (1), 96-107, 1998 | 3630 | 1998 |
Work–life, diversity and intersectionality: A critical review and research agenda MF Özbilgin, TA Beauregard, A Tatli, MP Bell International Journal of Management Reviews 13 (2), 177-198, 2011 | 583 | 2011 |
Voice, silence, and diversity in 21st century organizations: Strategies for inclusion of gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender employees MP Bell, MF Özbilgin, TA Beauregard, O Sürgevil Human resource management 50 (1), 131-146, 2011 | 492 | 2011 |
Diversity in organizations MR Hebl, DR Avery Handbook of psychology: Industrial and organizational psychology 12, 677-697, 2013 | 420 | 2013 |
Abject economics: The effects of battering and violence on women’s work and employability AM Moe, MP Bell Violence Against Women 10 (1), 29-55, 2004 | 354 | 2004 |
Discrimination, harassment, and the glass ceiling: Women executives as change agents MP Bell, ME McLaughlin, JM Sequeira Journal of business ethics 37, 65-76, 2002 | 351 | 2002 |
Diversity at a critical juncture: New theories for a complex phenomenon SM Nkomo, MP Bell, LM Roberts, A Joshi, SMB Thatcher Academy of Management Review 44 (3), 498-517, 2019 | 331 | 2019 |
Stigma and acceptance of persons with disabilities: Understudied aspects of workforce diversity ME McLaughlin, MP Bell, DY Stringer Group & Organization Management 29 (3), 302-333, 2004 | 327 | 2004 |
Strategic human resource management: Employee involvement, diversity, and international issues GC McMahan, MP Bell, M Virick Human Resource Management Review 8 (3), 193-214, 1998 | 313 | 1998 |
Gender discrimination and job-related outcomes: A cross-cultural comparison of working women in the United States and China MA Shaffer, JRW Joplin, MP Bell, T Lau, C Oguz Journal of Vocational Behavior 57 (3), 395-427, 2000 | 298 | 2000 |
Making Black Lives Matter in academia: A Black feminist call for collective action against anti‐blackness in the academy MP Bell, D Berry, J Leopold, S Nkomo Gender, Work & Organization 28, 39-57, 2021 | 241 | 2021 |
Using intra-national diversity for international assignments: A model of bicultural competence and expatriate adjustment MP Bell, DA Harrison Human Resource Management Review 6 (1), 47-74, 1996 | 206 | 1996 |
The case for mandatory diversity education MP Bell, ML Connerley, FK Cocchiara Academy of Management Learning & Education 8 (4), 597-609, 2009 | 187 | 2009 |
Generalist and specialist graduate business degrees: Tangible and intangible value Y Baruch, MP Bell, D Gray Journal of Vocational Behavior 67 (1), 51-68, 2005 | 183 | 2005 |
Asian American attitudes toward affirmative action in employment: Implications for the model minority myth MP Bell, DA Harrison, ME McLaughlin The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science 33 (3), 356-377, 1997 | 168 | 1997 |
The tragedy of the uncommons: Reframing workforce diversity K Jonsen, A Tatli, MF Özbilgin, MP Bell Human relations 66 (2), 271-294, 2013 | 167 | 2013 |
News media and the racialization of protest: An analysis of Black Lives Matter articles J Leopold, MP Bell Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal 36 (8), 720-735, 2017 | 164 | 2017 |
‘Expatriates’: gender, race and class distinctions in international management DP Berry, MP Bell Gender, Work & Organization 19 (1), 10-28, 2012 | 163 | 2012 |
The devil without and within: A conceptual model of social cognitive processes whereby discrimination leads stigmatized minorities to become discouraged workers PA Heslin, MP Bell, PO Fletcher Journal of Organizational Behavior 33 (6), 840-862, 2012 | 139 | 2012 |
Assessment and prevention of sexual harassment of employees: An applied guide to creating healthy organizations MP Bell, JC Quick, CS Cycyota International Journal of Selection and Assessment 10 (1‐2), 160-167, 2002 | 133 | 2002 |