Sohee Park
Sohee Park
Gertrude Conaway Vanderbilt Professor of Psychology, Vanderbilt University
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Social cognition in schizophrenia: an NIMH workshop on definitions, assessment, and research opportunities
MF Green, DL Penn, R Bentall, WT Carpenter, W Gaebel, RC Gur, ...
Schizophrenia bulletin 34 (6), 1211-1220, 2008
Schizophrenics show spatial working memory deficits
S Park, PS Holzman
Archives of general psychiatry 49 (12), 975-982, 1992
Working memory impairments in schizophrenia: a meta-analysis.
J Lee, S Park
Journal of abnormal psychology 114 (4), 599-611, 2005
Obese adults have visual attention bias for food cue images: evidence for altered reward system function
EH Castellanos, E Charboneau, MS Dietrich, S Park, BP Bradley, K Mogg, ...
International journal of obesity 33 (9), 1063-1073, 2009
Emotion Processing and its Relationship to Social Functioning in Schizophrenia Patients
C Hooker, S Park
Psychiatry Research, 112(1), 41-50 (PMID 12379449) 112 (1), 41-50, 2002
Modulation of attentional inhibition by norepinephrine and cortisol after psychological stress
PD Skosnik, RT Chatterton Jr, T Swisher, S Park
International Journal of Psychophysiology 36 (1), 59-68, 2000
Spatial working memory deficits in the relatives of schizophrenic patients
S Park, P Holzman, P Goldman-Rakic
Archives of General Psychiatry 52, 821-828, 1995
Enhanced divergent thinking and creativity in musicians: A behavioral and near-infrared spectroscopy study
C Gibson, BS Folley, S Park
Brain and cognition 69 (1), 162-169, 2009
Disturbances in body ownership in schizophrenia: evidence from the rubber hand illusion and case study of a spontaneous out-of-body experience
KN Thakkar, HS Nichols, LG McIntosh, S Park
PloS one 6 (10), e27089, 2011
Verbal creativity and schizotypal personality in relation to prefrontal hemispheric laterality: A behavioral and near-infrared optical imaging study
BS Folley, S Park
Schizophrenia research 80 (2-3), 271-282, 2005
Verbal and spatial functions across the menstrual cycle in healthy young women
L Rosenberg, S Park
Psychoneuroendocrinology 27 (7), 835-841, 2002
Cognition and brain function in schizotypy: a selective review
U Ettinger, C Mohr, DC Gooding, AS Cohen, A Rapp, C Haenschel, ...
Schizophrenia bulletin 41 (suppl_2), S417-S426, 2015
Spatial working memory deficits and clinical symptoms in schizophrenia: a 4-month follow-up study
S Park, J Püschel, BH Sauter, M Rentsch, D Hell
Biological psychiatry 46 (3), 392-400, 1999
Weakened center-surround interactions in visual motion processing in schizophrenia
D Tadin, J Kim, ML Doop, C Gibson, JS Lappin, R Blake, S Park
Journal of Neuroscience 26 (44), 11403-11412, 2006
Individual differences in spatial working memory in relation to schizotypy
S Park, PS Holzman, MF Lenzenweger
Journal of Abnormal Psychology 104 (2), 355-363, 1995
Aerobic exercise training reduces cannabis craving and use in non-treatment seeking cannabis-dependent adults
MS Buchowski, NN Meade, E Charboneau, S Park, MS Dietrich, ...
PloS one 6 (3), e17465, 2011
Cannabis use is associated with schizotypy and attentional disinhibition
PD Skosnik, L Spatz-Glenn, S Park
Schizophrenia research 48 (1), 83-92, 2001
Impaired effort allocation in patients with schizophrenia
MT Treadway, JS Peterman, DH Zald, S Park
Schizophrenia research 161 (2-3), 382-385, 2015
Working memory and the syndromes of schizotypal personality
S Park, K McTigue
Schizophrenia research 26 (2-3), 213-220, 1997
Effect of buspirone, a serotonin1A partial agonist, on cognitive function in schizophrenia: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study
T Sumiyoshi, S Park, K Jayathilake, A Roy, A Ertugrul, HY Meltzer
Schizophrenia Research 95 (1-3), 158-168, 2007
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