Jose E. Hernandez
Jose E. Hernandez
Professor Emeritus, Institute of Crop Science, College of Agriculture and Food Science, UPLB
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Cited by
Mapping QTL for heat tolerance at flowering stage in rice using SNP markers
C Ye, MA Argayoso, ED Redoña, SN Sierra, MA Laza, CJ Dilla, Y Mo, ...
Plant Breeding 131 (1), 33-41, 2012
Genome-wide association mapping for yield and other agronomic traits in an elite breeding population of tropical rice (Oryza sativa)
H Begum, JE Spindel, A Lalusin, T Borromeo, G Gregorio, J Hernandez, ...
PloS one 10 (3), e0119873, 2015
Identification and mapping of a QTL (qDTY1. 1) with a consistent effect on grain yield under drought
KH Ghimire, LA Quiatchon, P Vikram, BPM Swamy, S Dixit, H Ahmed, ...
Field Crops Research 131, 88-96, 2012
Grain yield QTLs with consistent-effect under reproductive-stage drought stress in rice
AD Palanog, BPM Swamy, NAA Shamsudin, S Dixit, JE Hernandez, ...
Field Crops Research 161, 46-54, 2014
Genome-wide association mapping in a rice MAGIC plus population detects QTLs and genes useful for biofortification
GIL Descalsota, BPM Swamy, H Zaw, MA Inabangan-Asilo, A Amparado, ...
Frontiers in Plant Science 9, 1347, 2018
Molecular genetics and breeding for nutrient use efficiency in rice
J Ali, ZA Jewel, A Mahender, A Anandan, J Hernandez, Z Li
International journal of molecular sciences 19 (6), 1762, 2018
Genetic Analysis of Agronomic Traits and Grain Iron and Zinc Concentrations in a Doubled Haploid Population of Rice (Oryza sativa L.)
MIC Calayugan, AK Formantes, A Amparado, GI Descalsota-Empleo, ...
Scientific Reports 10 (1), 2283, 2020
Morphology-based genetic diversity analysis of ancestral lines of Philippine rice cultivars.
RA Caldo, LS Sebastian, JE Hernandez
Genetic diversity in the parental lines and heterosis of the tropical rice hybrids
W Xu, SS Virmani, JE Hernandez, LS Sebastian, ED Redoña, Z Li
Euphytica 127, 139-148, 2002
Zinc and iron nutrition status in the Philippines population and local soils
AD Palanog, MIC Calayugan, GI Descalsota-Empleo, A Amparado, ...
Frontiers in nutrition 6, 81, 2019
Genetics of resistance to whitebacked planthopper in some rice (Oryza sativa L.) varieties.
JE Hernandez, GS Khush
Identification of QTLs for Drought-Related Traits in Alien Introgression Lines Derived from Crosses of Rice (Oryza sativa cv. IR64) × O. glaberrima under Lowland …
IK Bimpong, R Serraj, JH Chin, J Ramos, EMT Mendoza, JE Hernandez, ...
Journal of Plant Biology 54, 237-250, 2011
Development and use of a two-gene marker-aided selection system for fertility restorer genes in rice
M Sattari, A Kathiresan, GB Gregorio, JE Hernandez, TM Nas, SS Virmani
Euphytica 153, 35-42, 2007
Exploring genetic architecture of grain yield and quality traits in a 16-way indica by japonica rice MAGIC global population
H Zaw, C Raghavan, A Pocsedio, BPM Swamy, ML Jubay, RK Singh, ...
Scientific Reports 9 (1), 19605, 2019
Identification of Quantitative Trait Loci Associated with Nutrient Use Efficiency Traits, Using SNP Markers in an Early Backcross Population of Rice (Oryza sativa L.)
ZA Jewel, J Ali, A Mahender, J Hernandez, Y Pang, Z Li
International journal of molecular sciences 20 (4), 900, 2019
Hybrid rice heterosis and genetic diversity of IRRI and Lao rice
P Xangsayasane, F Xie, JE Hernandez, TH Boirromeo
Field crops research 117 (1), 18-23, 2010
DNA fingerprinting at farm level maps rice biodiversity across Bangladesh and reveals regional varietal preferences
T Kretzschmar, EGN Mbanjo, GA Magalit, MS Dwiyanti, MA Habib, ...
Scientific Reports 8 (1), 14920, 2018
Developing green super rice varieties with high nutrient use efficiency by phenotypic selection under varied nutrient conditions
ZA Jewel, J Ali, Y Pang, A Mahender, B Acero, J Hernandez, J Xu, Z Li
The Crop Journal 7 (3), 368-377, 2019
Caracterización y Percepción del Riesgo en Vendedores Informales de las Plazas de Mercado de la Ciudad de Bogotá
Á Fajardo, J Hernández, Y González, M Torres
DC Ciencia & trabajo 20 (63), 151-154, 2018
Genotypic variation of yield-related traits in an irrigated rice breeding program for tropical Asia
ST Ata-Ul-Karim, H Begum, V Lopena, T Borromeo, P Virk, JE Hernandez, ...
Crop and Environment 1 (3), 173-181, 2022
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Articles 1–20