Mamadou Sanoussy SOW
Mamadou Sanoussy SOW
Professeur Assistant en Stratégie et Entrepreneuriat, EM Normandie
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Cited by
Destructive arthropathy in chondrocalcinosis articularis
CJ Menkes, F Simon, F Delrieu, M Forest, F Delbarre
Arthritis & Rheumatism: Official Journal of the American College of …, 1976
Entrepreneurship and the business cycle: the “Schumpeter” effect versus the “refugee” effect—a French appraisal based on regional data
M Aubry, J Bonnet, P Renou-Maissant
The Annals of Regional Science 54, 23-55, 2015
Entrepreneurship, economic development, and institutional environment: evidence from OECD countries
R Abdesselam, J Bonnet, P Renou-Maissant, M Aubry
Journal of International Entrepreneurship 16, 504-546, 2018
Multi-sided platforms in B2B contexts: The role of affiliation costs and interdependencies in adoption decisions
P Loux, M Aubry, S Tran, E Baudoin
Industrial Marketing Management 84, 212-223, 2020
Controlled trial of D-penicillamine in rheumatoid arthritis: dose effect and the role of zinc
C Mery, F Delrieu, R Ghozlan, L Saporta, F Simon, B Amor, CJ Menkes, ...
Scandinavian Journal of Rheumatology 5 (4), 241-247, 1976
Les arthropathies destructrices de la chondrocalcinose
CJ Menkes, F Simon, M Chouraki, M Ecoffet, B Amor, F Delbarre
Créativité et réseaux sociaux dans l’organisation ambidextre
F Simon, A Tellier
Revue française de gestion, 145-159, 2008
How do actors shape social networks during the process of new product development?
F Simon, A Tellier
European Management Journal 29 (5), 414-430, 2011
Le projet au cœur de la stratégie
P Aurégan, P Joffre
Exploration prospective et management stratégique: vers une approche projet de la stratégie
P Aurégan, P Joffre, T Loilier, A Tellier
Revue management et avenir, 91-113, 2008
Reconsidering ambidexterity at the individual level: A social network perspective
F Simon, A Tellier
Project-based organizing and strategic management, 389-424, 2011
Modèles d'analyse stratégique: contributions récentes
P Aurégan, P Joffre, F Le Vigoureux
IAE Caen Basse-Normandie, 1996
Managing time pacing in organizations transitioning to a project-based mode–3 cases studies of two multinational companies
H Alioua, F Simon
International journal of project management 35 (8), 1427-1443, 2017
La modification des règles du jeu sectoriel: Le cas de l'industrie du jeu vidéo
P Aurégan, A Tellier
Revue française de gestion, 127-145, 2009
Faire face à la profusion des projets dans les organisations 1!
P Auregan, P Joffre
Revue management et avenir, 97-117, 2004
Balancing contradictory temporality during the unfold of innovation streams
F Simon, A Tellier
International Journal of Project Management 34 (6), 983-996, 2016
Perception du temps et réflexion stratégique: le cas des dirigeants d'entreprise moyenne
P Aurégan
Revue Finance Contrô le Straté gie 1 (1), 27-48, 1998
Creativity within boundaries: Social identity and the development of new ideas in franchise systems
F Simon, C Allix‐Desfautaux, N Khelil, AL Le Nadant
Creativity and Innovation Management 27 (4), 444-457, 2018
Comportement et gouvernance des moyennes entreprises familiales au capital ouvert
F Le Vigoureux, P Aurégan
Revue internationale PME 23 (3), 71-93, 2010
Semiconductor industry cycles: Explanatory factors and forecasting
M Aubry, P Renou-Maissant
Economic Modelling 39, 221-231, 2014
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Articles 1–20