Frederick Conrad
Frederick Conrad
Research Professor of Survey Methodology, University of Michigan
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The science of web surveys
R Tourangeau, FG Conrad, MP Couper
Oxford University Press, 2013
Skill acquisition and the LISP tutor
JR Anderson, FG Conrad, AT Corbett
Cognitive Science 13 (4), 467-505, 1989
Spacing, position, and order: Interpretive heuristics for visual features of survey questions
R Tourangeau, MP Couper, F Conrad
Public opinion quarterly 68 (3), 368-393, 2004
Does conversational interviewing reduce survey measurement error?
MF Schober, FG Conrad
Public opinion quarterly, 576-602, 1997
Evaluating the effectiveness of visual analog scales: A web experiment
MP Couper, R Tourangeau, FG Conrad, E Singer
Social Science Computer Review 24 (2), 227-245, 2006
Speeding in web surveys: The tendency to answer very fast and its association with straightlining
C Zhang, F Conrad
Survey research methods 8 (2), 127-135, 2014
Clarifying question meaning in a household telephone survey
FG Conrad, MF Schober
Public opinion quarterly 64 (1), 1-28, 2000
Eye-tracking data: New insights on response order effects and other cognitive shortcuts in survey responding
M Galesic, R Tourangeau, MP Couper, FG Conrad
Public opinion quarterly 72 (5), 892-913, 2008
What they see is what we get: Response options for web surveys
MP Couper, R Tourangeau, FG Conrad, SD Crawford
Social science computer review 22 (1), 111-127, 2004
Color, labels, and interpretive heuristics for response scales
R Tourangeau, MP Couper, F Conrad
Public Opinion Quarterly 71 (1), 91-112, 2007
Social media analyses for social measurement
MF Schober, J Pasek, L Guggenheim, C Lampe, FG Conrad
Public opinion quarterly 80 (1), 180-211, 2016
Sample size for cognitive interview pretesting
J Blair, FG Conrad
Public opinion quarterly 75 (4), 636-658, 2011
Comparisons of online recruitment strategies for convenience samples: Craigslist, Google AdWords, Facebook, and Amazon Mechanical Turk
C Antoun, C Zhang, FG Conrad, MF Schober
Field methods 28 (3), 231-246, 2016
Strategies for estimating behavioural frequency in survey interviews
FG Conrad, NR Brown, ER Cashman
Memory 6 (4), 339-366, 1998
Effects of mobile versus PC web on survey response quality: A crossover experiment in a probability web panel
C Antoun, MP Couper, FG Conrad
Public Opinion Quarterly 81 (S1), 280-306, 2017
Verbal reports are data! A theoretical approach to cognitive interviews
F Conrad, J Blair, E Tracy
Proceedings of the Federal Committee on statistical methodology research …, 1999
Folk psychology of mental activities.
LJ Rips, FG Conrad
Psychological Review 96 (2), 187, 1989
From impressions to data: Increasing the objectivity of cognitive interviews
F Conrad, J Blair
Proceedings of the section on survey research methods, annual meetings of …, 1996
Visual context effects in web surveys
MP Couper, FG Conrad, R Tourangeau
Public Opinion Quarterly 71 (4), 623-634, 2007
Misunderstanding standardized language in research interviews
MF Schober, FG Conrad, SS Fricker
Applied Cognitive Psychology 18 (2), 169-188, 2004
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Articles 1–20