Alan Kastengren
Cited by
Cited by
Engine combustion network (ECN): measurements of nozzle geometry and hydraulic behavior
AL Kastengren, FZ Tilocco, CF Powell, J Manin, LM Pickett, R Payri, ...
Atomization and Sprays 22 (12), 2012
Synchrotron X-ray techniques for fluid dynamics
A Kastengren, CF Powell
Experiments in fluids 55 (3), 1686, 2014
The 7BM beamline at the APS: a facility for time-resolved fluid dynamics measurements
A Kastengren, CF Powell, D Arms, EM Dufresne, H Gibson, J Wang
Journal of synchrotron radiation 19 (4), 654-657, 2012
The contour method cutting assumption: error minimization and correction
MB Prime, AL Kastengren
Experimental and Applied Mechanics, Volume 6: Proceedings of the 2010 Annual …, 2011
X-ray radiography measurements of diesel spray structure at engine-like ambient density
AL Kastengren, CF Powell, Y Wang, KS Im, J Wang
Atomization and Sprays 19 (11), 2009
Internal and near nozzle measurements of Engine Combustion Network “Spray G” gasoline direct injectors
DJ Duke, AL Kastengren, KE Matusik, AB Swantek, CF Powell, R Payri, ...
Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 88, 608-621, 2017
String flash-boiling in gasoline direct injection simulations with transient needle motion
ET Baldwin, RO Grover Jr, SE Parrish, DJ Duke, KE Matusik, CF Powell, ...
International Journal of Multiphase Flow 87, 90-101, 2016
X-ray imaging of cavitation in diesel injectors
D Duke, A Swantek, Z Tilocco, A Kastengren, K Fezzaa, K Neroorkar, ...
SAE international Journal of Engines 7 (2), 1003-1016, 2014
Measurements of droplet size in shear-driven atomization using ultra-small angle x-ray scattering
A Kastengren, J Ilavsky, JP Viera, R Payri, DJ Duke, A Swantek, ...
International Journal of Multiphase Flow 92, 131-139, 2017
Comparison of near-field structure and growth of a diesel spray using light-based optical microscopy and x-ray radiography
LM Pickett, J Manin, A Kastengren, C Powell
SAE International Journal of Engines 7 (2), 1044-1053, 2014
Time-resolved X-ray radiography of sprays from engine combustion network spray a diesel injectors
AL Kastengren, FZ Tilocco, D Duke, CF Powell, X Zhang, S Moon
Atomization and Sprays 24 (3), 2014
The effects of diesel injector needle motion on spray structure
CF Powell, AL Kastengren, Z Liu, K Fezzaa
X-ray radiography measurements of cavitating nozzle flow
D Duke, AL Kastengren, FZ Tilocco, AB Swantek, CF Powell
Atomization and Sprays 23 (9), 2013
2D-imaging of sampling-probe perturbations in laminar premixed flames using Kr X-ray fluorescence
N Hansen, RS Tranter, K Moshammer, JB Randazzo, JPA Lockhart, ...
Combustion and Flame 181, 214-224, 2017
Quantitative X-ray measurements of high-pressure fuel sprays from a production heavy duty diesel injector
AI Ramirez, S Som, SK Aggarwal, AL Kastengren, EM El-Hannouny, ...
Experiments in fluids 47, 119-134, 2009
Evaluation of X-ray sources for quantitative two-and three-dimensional imaging of liquid mass distribution in atomizing sprays
BR Halls, TJ Heindel, AL Kastengren, TR Meyer
International Journal of Multiphase Flow 59, 113-120, 2014
High-resolution X-ray tomography of Engine Combustion Network diesel injectors
KE Matusik, DJ Duke, AL Kastengren, N Sovis, AB Swantek, CF Powell
International Journal of Engine Research 19 (9), 963-976, 2018
Understanding the acoustic oscillations observed in the injection rate of a common-rail direct injection diesel injector
J Manin, A Kastengren, R Payri
Journal of engineering for gas turbines and power 134 (12), 122801, 2012
Synchrotron radiography characterization of the liquid core dynamics in a canonical two-fluid coaxial atomizer
N Machicoane, JK Bothell, D Li, TB Morgan, TJ Heindel, AL Kastengren, ...
International Journal of Multiphase Flow 115, 1-8, 2019
Development and validation of a primary breakup model for diesel engine applications
S Som, AI Ramirez, SK Aggarwal, AL Kastengren, E El-Hannouny, ...
SAE Technical Paper, 2009
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Articles 1–20