Articles with public access mandates - Nathan FitzpatrickLearn more
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Evaluating the noise resilience of variational quantum algorithms
E Fontana, N Fitzpatrick, DM Ramo, R Duncan, I Rungger
Physical Review A 104 (2), 022403, 2021
Mandates: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
New insights into single-molecule junctions using a robust, unsupervised approach to data collection and analysis
MS Inkpen, M Lemmer, N Fitzpatrick, DC Milan, RJ Nichols, NJ Long, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 137 (31), 9971-9981, 2015
Mandates: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Molecular excited state calculations with adaptive wavefunctions on a quantum eigensolver emulation: reducing circuit depth and separating spin states
HHS Chan, N Fitzpatrick, J Segarra-MartÃ, MJ Bearpark, DP Tew
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 23 (46), 26438-26450, 2021
Mandates: Banking Foundation "la Caixa", European Commission
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