Articles with public access mandates - Peter J.A. KleinmanLearn more
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Nitrous oxide and ammonia emissions from injected and broadcast‐applied dairy slurry
EW Duncan, CJ Dell, PJA Kleinman, DB Beegle
Journal of environmental quality 46 (1), 36-44, 2017
Mandates: US Department of Agriculture
Challenges and opportunities for manureshed management across US dairy systems: Case studies from four regions
CJ Dell, JM Baker, S Spiegal, SA Porter, AB Leytem, KC Flynn, CA Rotz, ...
Journal of Environmental Quality 51 (4), 521-539, 2022
Mandates: US Department of Agriculture
Elements of precision manure management
PJA Kleinman, AR Buda, AN Sharpley, R Khosla
Precision conservation: Geospatial techniques for agricultural and natural …, 2017
Mandates: US Department of Agriculture
Nutrient management planners' feedback on New York and Pennsylvania phosphorus indices
S Cela, QM Ketterings, KJ Czymmek, J Weld, DB Beegle, PJA Kleinman
Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 71 (4), 281-288, 2016
Mandates: US Department of Agriculture
Nitrogen cycling trade-offs with broadcasting and injecting dairy manure
EW Duncan, PJA Kleinman, DB Beegle, CJ Dell
Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 114, 57-70, 2019
Mandates: US Department of Agriculture
Prioritizing conservation practice locations for effective water quality improvement using the Agricultural Conservation Planning Framework (ACPF) and the Soil and Water …
AN Rohith, R Karki, TL Veith, HE Preisendanz, JM Duncan, PJA Kleinman, ...
Journal of Environmental Management 349, 119514, 2024
Mandates: US Department of Agriculture
Distribution of livestock sectors in Canada: Implications for manureshed management
S Bittman, D Worth, D Hunt, S Spiegal, P Kleinman, S Nanayakkara, ...
Journal of Environmental Quality 52 (3), 596-609, 2023
Mandates: US Department of Agriculture
Nutrient Fate in the Full MAnure PHosphorus EXtraction (MAPHEX) System, and Design of a Simplified System (MAPHEX Lite)
C Church, AN Hristov, PJA Kleinman, SK Fishel, MR Reiner, RB Bryant
Applied Engineering in Agriculture 39 (3), 339-346, 2023
Mandates: US Department of Agriculture
Available somewhere: 67
Phosphorus legacy: overcoming the effects of past management practices to mitigate future water quality impairment
A Sharpley, HP Jarvie, A Buda, L May, B Spears, P Kleinman
Journal of environmental quality 42 (5), 1308-1326, 2013
Mandates: UK Natural Environment Research Council
The pivotal role of phosphorus in a resilient water–energy–food security nexus
HP Jarvie, AN Sharpley, D Flaten, PJA Kleinman, A Jenkins, T Simmons
Journal of environmental quality 44 (4), 1049-1062, 2015
Mandates: UK Natural Environment Research Council
Manuresheds: Advancing nutrient recycling in US agriculture
S Spiegal, PJA Kleinman, DM Endale, RB Bryant, C Dell, S Goslee, ...
Agricultural Systems 182, 102813, 2020
Mandates: US Department of Agriculture
Evaluating strategies for sustainable intensification of US agriculture through the Long-Term Agroecosystem Research network
S Spiegal, BT Bestelmeyer, DW Archer, DJ Augustine, EH Boughton, ...
Environmental Research Letters 13 (3), 034031, 2018
Mandates: US Department of Agriculture
Environmental assessment of United States dairy farms
A Rotz, R Stout, A Leytem, G Feyereisen, H Waldrip, G Thoma, M Holly, ...
Journal of Cleaner Production 315, 128153, 2021
Mandates: US Department of Agriculture
Celebrating the 350th anniversary of phosphorus discovery: A conundrum of deficiency and excess
A Sharpley, H Jarvie, D Flaten, P Kleinman
Journal of Environmental Quality 47 (4), 774-777, 2018
Mandates: UK Natural Environment Research Council
Impact of climate change and climate anomalies on hydrologic and biogeochemical processes in an agricultural catchment of the Chesapeake Bay watershed, USA
MB Wagena, AS Collick, AC Ross, RG Najjar, B Rau, AR Sommerlot, ...
Science of the Total Environment 637, 1443-1454, 2018
Mandates: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Agriculture
One size does not fit all: Toward regional conservation practice guidance to reduce phosphorus loss risk in the Lake Erie watershed
M Macrae, H Jarvie, R Brouwer, G Gunn, K Reid, P Joosse, K King, ...
Journal of Environmental Quality 50 (3), 529-546, 2021
Mandates: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, Canada First …
Consistency of the threshold phosphorus saturation ratio across a wide geographic range of acid soils
B Dari, VD Nair, AN Sharpley, P Kleinman, D Franklin, WG Harris
Agrosystems, Geosciences & Environment 1 (1), 1-8, 2018
Mandates: US Department of Agriculture
Evaluation of phosphorus site assessment tools: Lessons from the USA
A Sharpley, P Kleinman, C Baffaut, D Beegle, C Bolster, A Collick, ...
Journal of Environmental Quality 46 (6), 1250-1256, 2017
Mandates: US Department of Agriculture
Improved simulation of edaphic and manure phosphorus loss in SWAT
AS Collick, TL Veith, DR Fuka, PJA Kleinman, AR Buda, JL Weld, ...
Journal of Environmental Quality 45 (4), 1215-1225, 2016
Mandates: US Department of Agriculture
Characterizing the phosphorus forms extracted from soil by the Mehlich III soil test
BJ Cade-Menun, KR Elkin, CW Liu, RB Bryant, PJA Kleinman, PA Moore
Geochemical Transactions 19, 1-17, 2018
Mandates: US Department of Agriculture
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