Articles with public access mandates - Yair CensorLearn more
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Opial-type theorems and the common fixed point problem
A Cegielski, Y Censor
Fixed-point algorithms for inverse problems in science and engineering, 155-183, 2011
Mandates: US National Institutes of Health
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The subgradient extragradient method for solving variational inequalities in Hilbert space
Y Censor, A Gibali, S Reich
Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 148 (2), 318-335, 2011
Mandates: US National Institutes of Health
The split common fixed point problem for directed operators
Y Censor, A Segal
J. Convex Anal 16 (2), 587-600, 2009
Mandates: US National Institutes of Health
Extensions of Korpelevich's extragradient method for the variational inequality problem in Euclidean space
Y Censor, A Gibali, S Reich
Optimization 61 (9), 1119-1132, 2012
Mandates: US National Institutes of Health
Strong convergence of subgradient extragradient methods for the variational inequality problem in Hilbert space
Y Censor, A Gibali, S Reich
Optimization Methods and Software 26 (4-5), 827-845, 2011
Mandates: US National Institutes of Health
On the effectiveness of projection methods for convex feasibility problems with linear inequality constraints
Y Censor, W Chen, PL Combettes, R Davidi, GT Herman
Computational Optimization and Applications 51, 1065-1088, 2012
Mandates: US National Institutes of Health
Perturbation resilience and superiorization of iterative algorithms
Y Censor, R Davidi, GT Herman
Inverse problems 26 (6), 065008, 2010
Mandates: US National Institutes of Health
Total variation superiorization schemes in proton computed tomography image reconstruction
SN Penfold, RW Schulte, Y Censor, AB Rosenfeld
Medical physics 37 (11), 5887-5895, 2010
Mandates: US National Institutes of Health
Perturbation‐resilient block‐iterative projection methods with application to image reconstruction from projections
R Davidi, GT Herman, Y Censor
International Transactions in Operational Research 16 (4), 505-524, 2009
Mandates: US National Institutes of Health
Projected subgradient minimization versus superiorization
Y Censor, R Davidi, GT Herman, RW Schulte, L Tetruashvili
Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 160, 730-747, 2014
Mandates: US National Institutes of Health
Iterative projection methods in biomedical inverse problems
Y Censor, A Segal
Mathematical methods in biomedical imaging and intensity-modulated radiation …, 2008
Mandates: US National Institutes of Health
A note on the behavior of the randomized Kaczmarz algorithm of Strohmer and Vershynin
Y Censor, GT Herman, M Jiang
Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications 15, 431-436, 2009
Mandates: US National Institutes of Health
On the string averaging method for sparse common fixed‐point problems
Y Censor, A Segal
International Transactions in Operational Research 16 (4), 481-494, 2009
Mandates: US National Institutes of Health
Cooperative wireless sensor network positioning via implicit convex feasibility
MR Gholami, L Tetruashvili, EG Ström, Y Censor
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 61 (23), 5830-5840, 2013
Mandates: Swedish Research Council
On the behavior of subgradient projections methods for convex feasibility problems in Euclidean spaces
D Butnariu, Y Censor, P Gurfil, E Hadar
SIAM Journal on Optimization 19 (2), 786-807, 2008
Mandates: US National Institutes of Health
Sparsity constrained split feasibility for dose-volume constraints in inverse planning of intensity-modulated photon or proton therapy
S Penfold, R Zalas, M Casiraghi, M Brooke, Y Censor, R Schulte
Physics in Medicine & Biology 62 (9), 3599, 2017
Mandates: US National Science Foundation, US National Institutes of Health
Sparse string-averaging and split common fixed points
Y Censor, A Segal
Contemp. Math 513, 125-142, 2010
Mandates: US National Institutes of Health
Can linear superiorization be useful for linear optimization problems?
Y Censor
Inverse Problems 33 (4), 044006, 2017
Mandates: US National Science Foundation, US National Institutes of Health
Dynamic string‐averaging CQ‐methods for the split feasibility problem with percentage violation constraints arising in radiation therapy treatment planning
M Brooke, Y Censor, A Gibali
International Transactions in Operational Research 30 (1), 181-205, 2023
Mandates: National Natural Science Foundation of China, Cancer Research UK
Bounded perturbation resilience of projected scaled gradient methods
W Jin, Y Censor, M Jiang
Computational Optimization and Applications 63, 365-392, 2016
Mandates: US National Science Foundation, National Natural Science Foundation of China
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