Miklos Fried
Miklos Fried
MTA EK MFA Photonics Department
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Porous silicon formation by stain etching
É Vázsonyi, E Szilágyi, P Petrik, ZE Horváth, T Lohner, M Fried, ...
Thin Solid Films 388 (1-2), 295-302, 2001
Determination of complex dielectric functions of ion implanted and implanted‐annealed amorphous silicon by spectroscopic ellipsometry
M Fried, T Lohner, WAM Aarnink, LJ Hanekamp, A Van Silfhout
Journal of Applied Physics 71 (10), 5260-5262, 1992
Comparative study of surface roughness measured on polysilicon using spectroscopic ellipsometry and atomic force microscopy
P Petrik, LP Biró, M Fried, T Lohner, R Berger, C Schneider, J Gyulai, ...
Thin Solid Films 315 (1-2), 186-191, 1998
Nondestructive determination of damage depth profiles in ion‐implanted semiconductors by spectroscopic ellipsometry using different optical models
M Fried, T Lohner, WAM Aarnink, LJ Hanekamp, A Van Silfhout
Journal of applied physics 71 (6), 2835-2843, 1992
Efficiency improvement by porous silicon coating of multicrystalline solar cells
A Krotkus, K Grigoras, V Pačebutas, I Barsony, E Vazsonyi, M Fried, ...
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 45 (3), 267-273, 1997
Ion beam irradiated channel waveguides in Er3+-doped tellurite glass
S Berneschi, G Nunzi Conti, I Bányász, A Watterich, NQ Khanh, M Fried, ...
Applied physics letters 90 (12), 2007
Characterization of different porous silicon structures by spectroscopic ellipsometry
M Fried, T Lohner, O Polgár, P Petrik, E Vazsonyi, I Barsony, JP Piel, ...
Thin Solid Films 276 (1-2), 223-227, 1996
Ellipsometric study of polycrystalline silicon films prepared by low-pressure chemical vapor deposition
P Petrik, T Lohner, M Fried, LP Biró, NQ Khánh, J Gyulai, W Lehnert, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 87 (4), 1734-1742, 2000
Ellipsometry of Silica nanoparticulate Langmuir− Blodgett films for the verification of the validity of effective medium approximations
N Nagy, A Deák, Z Hórvölgyi, M Fried, A Agod, I Bársony
Langmuir 22 (20), 8416-8423, 2006
Leaky mode suppression in planar optical waveguides written in Er: TeO2–WO3 glass and CaF2 crystal via double energy implantation with MeV N+ ions
I Bányász, Z Zolnai, M Fried, S Berneschi, S Pelli, G Nunzi-Conti
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam …, 2014
Comparison of algorithms used for evaluation of ellipsometric measurements random search, genetic algorithms, simulated annealing and hill climbing graph-searches
O Polgár, M Fried, T Lohner, I Bársony
Surface Science 457 (1-2), 157-177, 2000
Optical and electrical characterization of aluminium doped ZnO layers
C Major, A Nemeth, G Radnoczi, Z Czigany, M Fried, Z Labadi, I Barsony
Applied Surface Science 255 (21), 8907-8912, 2009
Ion-implantation induced anomalous surface amorphization in silicon
T Lohner, E Kotai, NQ Khanh, Z Toth, M Fried, K Vedam, NV Nguyen, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam …, 1994
Ellipsometric characterization of damage profiles using an advanced optical model
P Petrik, O Polgár, M Fried, T Lohner, NQ Khánh, J Gyulai
Journal of Applied Physics 93 (4), 1987-1990, 2003
Comparative study on Fe32Ni36Cr14P12B6 metallic glass and its polycrystalline modification bombarded by 2000 keV helium ions with high fluence
A Manuaba, F Paszti, L Pogány, M Fried, E Kotai, G Mezey, T Lohner, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research 199 (1-2), 409-419, 1982
High-speed imaging/mapping spectroscopic ellipsometry for in-line analysis of roll-to-roll thin-film photovoltaics
A Shan, M Fried, G Juhász, C Major, O Polgár, Á Németh, P Petrik, ...
IEEE journal of Photovoltaics 4 (1), 355-361, 2013
Comparative study of polysilicon-on-oxide using spectroscopic ellipsometry, atomic force microscopy, and transmission electron microscopy
P Petrik, M Fried, T Lohner, R Berger, LP Bı́ró, C Schneider, J Gyulai, ...
Thin Solid Films 313, 259-263, 1998
Nanocrystal characterization by ellipsometry in porous silicon using model dielectric function
P Petrik, M Fried, E Vazsonyi, P Basa, T Lohner, P Kozma, Z Makkai
Journal of Applied Physics 105 (2), 2009
Oxidation of SiC investigated by ellipsometry and Rutherford backscattering spectrometry
E Szilágyi, P Petrik, T Lohner, AA Koós, M Fried, G Battistig
Journal of Applied Physics 104 (1), 2008
Temperature dependent in situ doping of ALD ZnO
Z Baji, Z Lábadi, ZE Horváth, M Fried, B Szentpáli, I Bársony
Journal of thermal analysis and calorimetry 105 (1), 93-99, 2011
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