Leandro Dias da Silva
Cited by
Cited by
Design and evaluation of a mobile application to assist the self-monitoring of the chronic kidney disease in developing countries
A Sobrinho, LD da Silva, A Perkusich, ME Pinheiro, P Cunha
BMC medical informatics and decision making 18, 1-14, 2018
Computer-aided diagnosis of chronic kidney disease in developing countries: A comparative analysis of machine learning techniques
A Sobrinho, ACMDS Queiroz, LD Da Silva, EDB Costa, ME Pinheiro, ...
IEEE Access 8, 25407-25419, 2020
Sociable interfaces
L de Alfaro, LD da Silva, M Faella, A Legay, P Roy, M Sorea
International Workshop on Frontiers of Combining Systems, 81-105, 2005
Ticc: A Tool for Interface Compatibility and Composition
BT Adler, L De Alfaro, LD Da Silva, M Faella, A Legay, V Raman, P Roy
Computer Aided Verification: 18th International Conference, CAV 2006 …, 2006
Exploring early prediction of chronic kidney disease using machine learning algorithms for small and imbalanced datasets
ACM Silveira, Á Sobrinho, LD Silva, EB Costa, ME Pinheiro, A Perkusich
Applied Sciences 12 (7), 3673, 2022
On the automatic generation of timed automata models from function block diagrams for safety instrumented systems
LD da Silva, LP de Assis Barbosa, K Gorgônio, A Perkusich, AMN Lima
2008 34th Annual Conference of IEEE Industrial Electronics, 291-296, 2008
Classification models for COVID-19 test prioritization in Brazil: Machine learning approach
Í Viana dos Santos Santana, A CM da Silveira, A Sobrinho, ...
Journal of medical Internet research 23 (4), e27293, 2021
Machine learning application to quantify the tremor level for Parkinson’s disease patients
TÍ Pedrosa, FF Vasconcelos, L Medeiros, LD Silva
Procedia computer science 138, 215-220, 2018
Formal modeling of biomedical signal acquisition systems: source of evidence for certification
A Sobrinho, LD da Silva, A Perkusich, P Cunha, T Cordeiro, AMN Lima
Software & Systems Modeling 18, 1467-1485, 2019
Obtaining formal models from ladder diagrams
EA da Silva Oliveira, LD da Silva, K Gorgônio, A Perkusich, AF Martins
2011 9th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics, 796-801, 2011
Towards medical device certification: A colored petri nets model of a surface electrocardiography device
A Sobrinho, A Perkusich, LD da Silva, T Cordeiro, J Rêgo, P Cunha
IECON 2014-40th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society …, 2014
Composition of software artifacts modelled using colored Petri nets
LD da Silva, A Perkusich
Science of Computer Programming 56 (1-2), 171-189, 2005
On the automatic generation of timed automata models from isa 5.2 diagrams
LP de Assis Barbosa, K Gorgônio, AMN Lima, A Perkusich, LD da Silva
2007 IEEE Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (EFTA …, 2007
A formal approach for the modelling and verification of multiagent plans based on model checking and Petri nets
H Oliveira de Almeida, L Dias da Silva, A Perkusich, E de Barros Costa
Software Engineering for Multi-Agent Systems III: Research Issues and …, 2005
Using colored petri nets for the requirements engineering of a surface electrogastrography system
Á Sobrinho, A Perkusich, LD da Silva, P Cunha
2014 12th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN …, 2014
Formal specification of a tool to aid the early dignosis of the chronic kidney disease
A Sobrinho, LD da Silva, ME Pinheiro, P Cunha, A Perkusich, L Medeiros
2015 CHILEAN Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information …, 2015
Formal Verification of Component-Based Software Systems.
LD da Silva, A Perkusich
NDDL/VVEIS, 113-124, 2003
A simulation approach to certify electrocardiography devices
Á Sobrinho, P Cunha, LD da Silva, A Perkusich, T Cordeiro, J Rêgo
2015 17th International Conference on E-health Networking, Application …, 2015
Automatic timed automata extraction from ladder programs for model-based analysis of control systems
K Oliveira, K Gorgônio, A Perkusich, A Lima, LD da Silva
Software Engineering for Secure Systems: Industrial and Research …, 2011
Formal modelling and verification of a component model using coloured petri nets and model checking
E Oliveira, H Almeida, L Silva
Proceedings of the 2007 ACM symposium on Applied computing, 1427-1431, 2007
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Articles 1–20