Articles with public access mandates - Amein K. Al-AliLearn more
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Profiling of Pharmacogenomic Variants in CYP2D6 and DPYD in Indigenous Arab Breast Cancer Patients
A Alsulaiman, H Chu, M Al-Jumaan, M Alyahya, YA Marzooq, F Almulhim, ...
Pharmacogenomics 24 (7), 411-423, 2023
Mandates: US Department of Defense
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Genetic, immunological, and clinical features of patients with bacterial and fungal infections due to inherited IL-17RA deficiency
R Lévy, S Okada, V Béziat, K Moriya, C Liu, LYA Chai, M Migaud, F Hauck, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113 (51), E8277-E8285, 2016
Mandates: US National Institutes of Health, National Institute of Health and Medical …
Sickle cell disease in S audi A rabia: the phenotype in adults with the A rab‐I ndian haplotype is not benign
A Alsultan, MK Alabdulaali, PJ Griffin, AM AlSuliman, HA Ghabbour, ...
British journal of haematology 164 (4), 597-604, 2014
Mandates: US National Institutes of Health
Fetal hemoglobin in sickle cell anemia: genetic studies of the Arab-Indian haplotype
D Ngo, H Bae, MH Steinberg, P Sebastiani, N Solovieff, CT Baldwin, ...
Blood Cells, Molecules, and Diseases 51 (1), 22-26, 2013
Mandates: US National Institutes of Health
Concept and design of a genome-wide association genotyping array tailored for transplantation-specific studies
YR Li, J van Setten, SS Verma, Y Lu, MV Holmes, H Gao, M Lek, N Nair, ...
Genome medicine 7, 1-13, 2015
Mandates: US National Institutes of Health, National Institute for Health Research, UK
Clinical presentation, disease course and outcome of COVID-19 in hospitalized patients with and without pre-existing cardiac disease–a cohort study across eighteen countries
CAPACITY-COVID Collaborative Consortium and LEOSS Study Group, ...
MedRxiv, 2021.03. 11.21253106, 2021
Mandates: Helmholtz Association, Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research …
BCL11A enhancer haplotypes and fetal hemoglobin in sickle cell anemia
P Sebastiani, JJ Farrell, A Alsultan, S Wang, HL Edward, H Shappell, ...
Blood Cells, Molecules, and Diseases 54 (3), 224-230, 2015
Mandates: US National Institutes of Health
A comprehensive, ethnically diverse library of sickle cell disease-specific induced pluripotent stem cells
S Park, A Gianotti-Sommer, FJ Molina-Estevez, K Vanuytsel, N Skvir, ...
Stem Cell Reports 8 (4), 1076-1085, 2017
Mandates: US National Institutes of Health
IκΒα inhibits apoptosis at the outer mitochondrial membrane independently of NF‐κB retention
E Pazarentzos, AL Mahul‐Mellier, C Datler, W Chaisaklert, MS Hwang, ...
The EMBO journal 33 (23), 2814-2828, 2014
Mandates: Cancer Research UK, Wellcome Trust
A phased SNP-based classification of sickle cell anemia HBB haplotypes
EM Shaikho, JJ Farrell, A Alsultan, H Qutub, AK Al-Ali, MS Figueiredo, ...
BMC genomics 18, 1-7, 2017
Mandates: US National Institutes of Health
Detection of pathogenic variants with germline genetic testing using deep learning vs standard methods in patients with prostate cancer and melanoma
SH AlDubayan, JR Conway, SY Camp, L Witkowski, E Kofman, ...
Jama 324 (19), 1957-1969, 2020
Mandates: US National Institutes of Health, V Foundation, USA
Design and implementation of the international genetics and translational research in transplantation network
BJ Keating, J Van Setten, PA Jacobson, MV Holmes, SS Verma, ...
Transplantation 99 (11), 2401-2412, 2015
Mandates: US National Institutes of Health, UK Medical Research Council, National …
Variants of ZBTB7A (LRF) and its β-Globin Gene Cluster Binding Motifs in Sickle Cell Anemia:—ZBTB7A and Sickle Cell Anemia—
EM Shaikho, AH Habara, A Alsultan, AM Al-Rubaish, F Al-Muhanna, ...
Blood cells, molecules & diseases 59, 49, 2016
Mandates: US National Institutes of Health
A candidate transacting modulator of fetal hemoglobin gene expression in the Arab—Indian haplotype of sickle cell anemia
V Vathipadiekal, JJ Farrell, S Wang, HL Edward, H Shappell, ...
American Journal of Hematology 91 (11), 1118-1122, 2016
Mandates: US National Institutes of Health
Homozygosity for a haplotype in the HBG2-OR51B4 region is exclusive to Arab-Indian haplotype sickle cell anemia
V Vathipadiekal, A Alsultan, K Baltrusaitis, JJ Farrell, AM Al-Rubaish, ...
American journal of hematology 91 (6), E308, 2016
Mandates: US National Institutes of Health
Adeno-associated viral transfer of glyoxalase-1 blunts carbonyl and oxidative stresses in hearts of type 1 diabetic rats
FA Alomar, A Al-Rubaish, F Al-Muhanna, AK Al-Ali, JE McMillan, J Singh, ...
Antioxidants 9 (7), 592, 2020
Mandates: US National Institutes of Health
Early detection of SARS‐CoV‐2 and other infections in solid organ transplant recipients and household members using wearable devices
BJ Keating, EH Mukhtar, ED Elftmann, FR Eweje, H Gao, LI Ibrahim, ...
Transplant International 34 (6), 1019-1031, 2021
Mandates: US National Institutes of Health
Prevalence of CYP2C19*2 carriers in Saudi ischemic stroke patients and the suitability of using genotyping to guide antiplatelet therapy in a university hospital setup
AM Al-Rubaish, FA Al-Muhanna, AM Alshehri, AA Alsulaiman, ...
Drug metabolism and personalized therapy 37 (1), 35-40, 2022
Mandates: National Institute for Health Research, UK
Evaluating the molecular diagnostic yield of joint genotyping–based approach for detecting rare germline pathogenic and putative loss-of-function variants
SY Camp, E Kofman, B Reardon, ND Moore, AM Al-Rubaish, M Aljumaan, ...
Genetics in Medicine 23 (5), 918-926, 2021
Mandates: US National Institutes of Health, V Foundation, USA
Interplay of Mendelian and polygenic risk factors in Arab breast cancer patients
M Al-Jumaan, H Chu, A Alsulaiman, SY Camp, S Han, R Gillani, ...
Genome Medicine 15 (1), 65, 2023
Mandates: US Department of Defense
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