Hugh McQueen
Hugh McQueen
Professor Emeritus of Materials and Manufacturing
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Current issues in recrystallization: a review
RD Doherty, DA Hughes, FJ Humphreys, JJ Jonas, DJ Jensen, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: A 238 (2), 219-274, 1997
Constitutive analysis in hot working
HJ McQueen, ND Ryan
Materials Science and Engineering: A 322 (1-2), 43-63, 2002
Development of dynamic recrystallization theory
HJ McQueen
Materials Science and Engineering: A 387, 203-208, 2004
Recovery and recrystallization during high temperature deformation
HJ McQueen, JJ Jonas
Treatise on Materials Science & Technology 6, 393-493, 1975
Hot working characteristics of steels in austenitic state
HJ McQueen, S Yue, ND Ryan, E Fry
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 53 (1-2), 293-310, 1995
Twinning, dynamic recovery and recrystallization in hot worked Mg–Al–Zn alloy
MM Myshlyaev, HJ McQueen, A Mwembela, E Konopleva
Materials Science and Engineering: A 337 (1-2), 121-133, 2002
Microstructural development in Mg alloy AZ31 during hot working
A Mwembela, EB Konopleva, HJ McQueen
Scripta Materialia 37 (11), 1789-1795, 1997
Hot deformation and processing of aluminum alloys
HJ McQueen, S Spigarelli, ME Kassner, E Evangelista
CRC press, 2016
Dynamic softening mechanisms in 304 austenitic stainless steel
ND Ryan, HJ McQueen
Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly 29 (2), 147-162, 1990
Dynamic recovery: sufficient mechanism in the hot deformation of Al (< 99.99)
HJ McQueen, W Blum
Materials Science and Engineering: A 290 (1-2), 95-107, 2000
The production and utility of recovered dislocation substructures
HJ McQueen
Metallurgical Transactions A 8, 807-824, 1977
Comparative hot workability of 7012 and 7075 alloys after different pretreatments
E Cerri, E Evangelista, A Forcellese, HJ McQueen
Materials Science and Engineering: A 197 (2), 181-198, 1995
Geometric dynamic recrystallization in hot torsion of Al 5Mg 0.6 Mn (AA5083)
W Blum, Q Zhu, R Merkel, HJ McQueen
Materials Science and Engineering: A 205 (1-2), 23-30, 1996
Microstructural evolution in Al deformed to strains of 60 at 400 C
HJ McQueen, O Knustad, N Ryum, JK Solberg
Scripta Metallurgica 19 (1), 73-78, 1985
Recent advances in hot working: Fundamental dynamic softening mechanisms
HJ McQueen, JJ Jonas
Journal of Applied Metalworking 3, 233-241, 1984
Flow stress, dynamic restoration, strain hardening and ductility in hot working of 316 steel
ND Ryan, HJ McQueen
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 21 (2), 177-199, 1990
Influence of ultra-high strains at elevated temperatures on the microstructure of aluminium. Part I
JK Solberg, HJ McQueen, N Ryum, E Nes
Philosophical Magazine A 60 (4), 447-471, 1989
Dynamic recrystallization: plasticity enhancing structural development
HJ McQueen, CAC Imbert
Journal of alloys and compounds 378 (1-2), 35-43, 2004
Microstructures of aluminum compressed at various rates and temperatures
HJ McQueen, JE Hockett
Metallurgical Transactions 1, 2997-3004, 1970
Initiating nucleation of dynamic recrystallization, primarily in polycrystals
HJ McQueen
Materials Science and Engineering: A 101, 149-160, 1988
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Articles 1–20