kausar sultan shah
kausar sultan shah
Mining and Mineral Resources Engineering, NUST Balochistan Campus
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Cited by
Overcoming mine safety crisis in Pakistan: An appraisal
IM Jiskani, B Ullah, KS Shah, S Bacha, NM Shahani, M Ali, A Maqbool, ...
Process safety progress 38 (4), e12041, 2019
Application of machine learning and multivariate statistics to predict uniaxial compressive strength and static Young’s modulus using physical properties under different …
NM Khan, K Cao, Q Yuan, MH Bin Mohd Hashim, H Rehman, S Hussain, ...
Sustainability 14 (16), 9901, 2022
Effect of particle morphology on mechanical behavior of rock mass
Arabian Journal of Geo-sciences, 2020
Development of Predictive Models for Determination of the Extent of Damage in Granite Caused by Thermal Treatment and Cooling Conditions Using Artificial Intelligence
NM Khan, K Cao, MZ Emad, S Hussain, H Rehman, KS Shah, ...
Mathematics 10 (16), 2883, 2022
Quantification of Rock Mass Condition Based on Fracture Frequency Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Survey for Slope Stability Assessment
Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing, 2022
Modeling and Optimization of Truck-Shovel Allocation to the Mining Faces in Cement Quarry
SUR Kausar Sultan Shah
Journal of Mining and Environment, 2019
Predicting angle of internal friction and cohesion of rocks based on machine learning algorithms
NM Shahani, B Ullah, KS Shah, FU Hassan, R Ali, MA Elkotb, ...
Mathematics 10 (20), 3875, 2022
Analysis of Underground Mining Accidents at Cherat Coalfield, Pakistan
NA Kausar Sultan Shah, Mohsin Ali Khan, Sajid Khan, Abdur Rahman, Naseer ...
International Journal of Economic and Environmental Geology 11 (1), 113-117, 2020
Water-saturated zone recognition using integrated 2D electrical resistivity tomography, borehole, and aerial photogrammetry in granite deposit, Malaysia
M Junaid, RA Abdullah, R Sa’ari, W Ali, H Rehman, S Shah, M Sari
Arabian Journal of Geosciences 15 (14), 1301, 2022
Empirical Evaluation of RMR, GSI, and Q for Underground Excavations
Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Civil Engineering, 2023
Evaluating microscale failure response of various weathering grade sandstones based on micro-scale observation and micro-structural modelling subjected to wet and dry cycles
K Sultan Shah, MHB Mohd Hashim, HU Rehman, KSB Ariffin
Journal of Mining and Environment 13 (2), 341-355, 2022
Application of stochastic simulation in assessing effect of particle morphology on fracture characteristics of sandstone
KS Shah, MH Mohd Hashim, H Rehman, KS Ariffin
Journal of Mining and Environment 12 (4), 969-986, 2021
Analysis and forecast of mining accidents in Pakistan
KS Shah, I Mithal Jiskani, NM Shahani, HU Rehman, NM Khan, ...
Journal of Mining and Environment 11 (4), 967-976, 2020
A Preliminary Assessment of Rock Slope Stability in Tropical Climates: A Case Study at Lafarge Quarry, Perak, Malaysia
KS Shah, MH Mohd Hashim, KS Ariffin, NF Nordin
Journal of Mining and Environment 11 (3), 661-673, 2020
Analysis of granite failure modes and energy conversion under uniaxial compression at various temperatures
KS Shah, N Abbas, L Kegang, MHB Mohd Hashim, HU Rehman, ...
Journal of Mining and Environment 14 (2), 493-506, 2023
Monte Carlo simulation-based uncertainty integration into rock particle shape descriptor distributions
KS Shah, MH Mohd Hashim, K Ariffin
Journal of Mining and Environment 12 (2), 299-311, 2021
Socio-Environmental Impacts of Coal Mining: A Case Study of Cherat Coal Mines Pakistan
SK Kausar Sultan Shah, Abdur Rahman
International Journal of Economic and Environmental Geology 10 (3), 129 - 133, 2019
Enhanced Geo-technical Methods for Evaluating Slope Stability in Unconsolidated Strata: A Comprehensive Analysis
I Khan, NA Afayou, A Khan, N Alam, KS Shah
Journal of Mining and Environment (JME) Vol 15 (3), 991-1010, 2024
Photogrammetry and Monte Carlo Simulation based statistical characterization of rock mass discontinuity parameters
KSA Kausar Sultan Shah, Mohd Hazizan bin Mohd Hashim
International Journal of Mining and Geo-Engineering, 2022
A comparative study of the influence of volumetric joint counts (Jv) and resistivity on rock quality designation (RQD) using multiple linear regression
M Junaid, RA Abdullah, R Sa’ari, KS Shah, R Ullah
Pure and Applied Geophysics 180 (6), 2351-2368, 2023
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Articles 1–20