Mukadder Okuyan
Mukadder Okuyan
Assistant Professor at Bahcesehir University
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How racism discourse can mobilize right‐wing populism: The construction of identity and alliance in reactions to UKIP's B rexit “B reaking P oint” campaign
K Durrheim, M Okuyan, MS Twali, E García‐Sánchez, A Pereira, ...
Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology 28 (6), 385-405, 2018
Resistance to collective victimization and oppression
JR Vollhardt, M Okuyan, H Ünal
Current opinion in psychology 35, 92-97, 2020
“You don't belong anywhere, you're ‘in-between’”: Pious Muslim women's intersectional experiences and ideas about social change in contemporary Turkey
M Okuyan, N Curtin
Feminism & Psychology 28 (4), 488-508, 2018
Perceived Risks and Benefits in IPV and HIV Research: Listening to the Voices of HIV-Positive African American Women
NM Overstreet, M Okuyan, CB Fisher
Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics 13 (5), 511-524, 2018
The role of group versus hierarchy motivations in dominant groups’ perceived discrimination
M Okuyan, JR Vollhardt
Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 25 (3), NP54-NP80, 2022
Significance of protesters’ words during Gezi Park protests: finding implicit meanings in sticky notes and tweets
A Benevento, M Okuyan
Social Movement Studies 18 (4), 482-498, 2019
Examining collective victim beliefs using intersectionality
R Nair, M Okuyan, N Curtin
The Social Psychology of Collective Victimhood, 252, 2020
Majority grievance in Germany: The role of entitlement beliefs and ingroup threat.
M Okuyan, L Loreth, F Stucke
Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology, 2023
What predicts perceived discrimination among white Americans? Findings from two nationally representative studies
M Okuyan, JR Vollhardt, A Stewart
Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy 23 (1), 45-72, 2023
Reacting to a Changing World: A Social Psychological Analysis of Perceived Discrimination among Advantaged Groups [Doctoral Dissertation]
M Okuyan
Clark University, 2020
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Articles 1–10