Pablo Daniel Agüero
Pablo Daniel Agüero
Facultad de Ingeniería - Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata
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Prosody generation for speech-to-speech translation
PD Aguero, J Adell, A Bonafonte
2006 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing …, 2006
Ogmios: The UPC text-to-speech synthesis system for spoken translation
A Bonafonte, PD Agüero, J Adell, J Pérez, A Moreno
TC-STAR Workshop on Speech-to-Speech Translation, 199-204, 2006
Database pruning for unsupervised building of text-to-speech voices
J Adell, PD Aguero, A Bonafonte
2006 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing …, 2006
α-Secretase nonsense mutation (ADAM10 Tyr167*) in familial Alzheimer’s disease
P Agüero, MJ Sainz, MS García-Ayllón, J Sáez-Valero, R Téllez, ...
Alzheimer's Research & Therapy 12, 1-9, 2020
Simulation of a non-invasive glucometer based on a microwave resonator sensor
S Pimentel, PD Agüero, AJ Uriz, JC Bonadero, M Liberatori, JC Moreira
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 477 (1), 012020, 2013
The UPC TTS system description for the 2008 blizzard challenge
A Bonafonte, A Moreno, J Adell, PD Agüero, E Banos, D Erro, I Esquerra, ...
Proc of the Blizzard Challenge, Brisbane, Australia, September, 2008
Phrase break prediction using a finite state transducer
A Bonafonte, PD Agüero
Proceedings de AST, 2004
Intonation modeling for TTS using a joint extraction and prediction approach.
PD Agüero, A Bonafonte
SSW, 67-72, 2004
Joint extraction and prediction of Fujisaki's intonation model parameters
PD Aguero, K Wimmer, A Bonafonte
Eighth International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, 2004
SORL1 Variants in Familial Alzheimer’s Disease
E Gómez-Tortosa, M Ruggiero, MJ Sainz, A Villarejo-Galende, ...
Journal of Alzheimer’s disease 61 (4), 1275-1281, 2018
Automatic analysis and synthesis of Fujisaki’s intonation model for TTS
PD Agüero, K Wimmer, A Bonafonte
Speech prosody, 427-430, 2004
El correo electrónico en la consulta de Parkinson:¿ soluciones a un clic?
E Viedma-Guiard, P Agüero, L Crespo-Araico, C Estévez-Fraga, ...
Neurologia 33 (2), 107-111, 2018
Estimating RASATI scores using acoustical parameters
PD Agüero, JC Tulli, G Moscardi, EL Gonzalez, AJ Uriz
Journal of physics: Conference series 332 (1), 012050, 2011
Voice conversion using k-histograms and frame selection.
AJ Uriz, PD Agüero, A Bonafonte, JC Tulli
INTERSPEECH, 1639-1642, 2009
Training the Tilt intonation model using the JEMA methodology
M Rojc, PD Aguero, A Bonafonte, Z Kacic
Ninth European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology, 2005
Phrase break prediction: a comparative study
PD Agüero, A Bonafonte Cávez
Procesamiento del lenguaje natural, nº 31 (septiembre 2003); pp. 107-114, 2003
Síntesis de voz aplicada a la traducción voz a voz
PD Agüero
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2012
Flexible pseudorandom number generator for tinnitus treatment implemented on a dsPIC
AJ Uriz, PD Aguero, J Moreira, RM Hidalgo, EL González, JC Tulli
IEEE Latin America Transactions 14 (1), 72-77, 2016
Spanish Synthesis Corpora.
M Umbert, A Moreno, PD Agüero, A Bonafonte
LREC, 2102-2105, 2006
Consistent estimation of Fujisaki’s intonation model parameters
PD Agüero, A Bonafonte
Proc. SPECOM, 2005
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Articles 1–20