Norman Au
Norman Au
School of Hotel and Tourism Management, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
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“Do we believe in TripAdvisor?” Examining credibility perceptions and online travelers’ attitude toward using user-generated content
JK Ayeh, N Au, R Law
Journal of Travel Research 52 (4), 437-452, 2013
Predicting the intention to use consumer-generated media for travel planning
JK Ayeh, N Au, R Law
Tourism management 35, 132-143, 2013
Extending the understanding of end user information systems satisfaction formation: An equitable needs fulfillment model approach
N Au, EWT Ngai, TCE Cheng
MIS quarterly, 43-66, 2008
A neural network model to forecast Japanese demand for travel to Hong Kong
R Law, N Au
Tourism management 20 (1), 89-97, 1999
Exploring customer experiences with robotics in hospitality
VWS Tung, N Au
International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management 30 (7), 2680-2697, 2018
A critical review of end-user information system satisfaction research and a new research framework
N Au, EWT Ngai, TCE Cheng
Omega 30 (6), 451-478, 2002
Categorical classification of tourism dining
N Au, R Law
Annals of tourism Research 29 (3), 819-833, 2002
OpinionSeer: interactive visualization of hotel customer feedback
Y Wu, F Wei, S Liu, N Au, W Cui, H Zhou, H Qu
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 16 (6), 1109-1118, 2010
Relationship modeling in tourism shopping: a decision rules induction approach
R Law, N Au
Tourism Management 21 (3), 241-249, 2000
Progress and Development of Information Technology in the Hospitality Industry: Evidence from Cornell Hospitality Quarterly
R Law, D Leung, N Au, HA Lee
Cornell Hospitality Quarterly 54 (1), 10-24, 2013
Perceptions and strategies of hospitality and tourism practitioners on social media: An exploratory study
JK Ayeh, D Leung, N Au, R Law
Information and communication technologies in tourism 2012, 1-12, 2012
Online complaining behavior in mainland China hotels: The perception of Chinese and non-Chinese customers
N Au, D Buhalis, R Law
International Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Administration 15 (3), 248-274, 2014
Complaints on the online environment—the case of Hong Kong hotels
N Au, D Buhalis, R Law
Information and communication technologies in tourism 2009, 73-85, 2009
Investigating cross-national heterogeneity in the adoption of online hotel reviews
JK Ayeh, N Au, R Law
International Journal of Hospitality Management 55, 142-153, 2016
Comparing Chinese and American attitudes towards complaining
EH Ekiz, N Au
International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management 23 (3), 327-343, 2011
The impact of culture on eComplaints: Evidence from Chinese consumers in hospitality organisations
N Au, R Law, D Buhalis
Information and communication technologies in tourism 2010, 285-296, 2010
Examination of the adoption of augmented reality: a VAM approach
CKH Lau, CFR Chui, N Au
Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research 24 (10), 1005-1020, 2019
The application of rough sets to sightseeing expenditures
N Au, R Law
Journal of Travel Research 39 (1), 70-77, 2000
Towards an understanding of online travellers’ acceptance of consumer-generated media for travel planning: Integrating technology acceptance and source credibility factors
JK Ayeh, N Au, R Law
Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2013: Proceedings of …, 2013
Profit Measurement of menu items: In Hong Kong's chinese restaurants
W Chan, N Au
Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly 39 (2), 70-75, 1998
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Articles 1–20