alireza jahangirian
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Cited by
Airfoil shape parameterization for optimum Navier–Stokes design with genetic algorithm
A Shahrokhi, A Jahangirian
Aerospace science and technology 11 (6), 443-450, 2007
Aerodynamic shape optimization using efficient evolutionary algorithms and unstructured CFD solver
A Jahangirian, A Shahrokhi
Computers & Fluids 46 (1), 270-276, 2011
Unstructured moving grids for implicit calculation of unsteady compressible viscous flows
A Jahangirian, M Hadidoolabi
International Journal for numerical methods in Fluids 47 (10‐11), 1107-1113, 2005
Aerodynamic optimization of airfoils using adaptive parameterization and genetic algorithm
M Ebrahimi, A Jahangirian
Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 162, 257-271, 2014
Robust aerodynamic morphing shape optimization for high-lift missions
M Nemati, A Jahangirian
Aerospace Science and Technology 103, 105897, 2020
A surrogate assisted evolutionary optimization method with application to the transonic airfoil design
A Shahrokhi, A Jahangirian
Engineering Optimization 42 (6), 497-515, 2010
Inverse design of transonic airfoils using genetic algorithm and a new parametric shape method
A Jahangirian, A Shahrokhi
Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering 17 (5), 681-699, 2009
An efficient implicit mesh‐less method for compressible flow calculations
MY Hashemi, A Jahangirian
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 67 (6), 754-770, 2011
Implicit fully mesh-less method for compressible viscous flow calculations
Y Hashemi, A Jahangirian
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 235 (16), 4687-4700, 2011
New analytical formulations for calculation of dispersion parameters of Gaussian model using parallel CFD
M Ebrahimi, A Jahangirian
Environmental fluid mechanics 13, 125-144, 2013
Automatic generation of adaptive unstructured grids for visous flow applications
AR Jahangirian, LJ Johnston
Mississippi State Univ., Mississippi State, MS (United States), 1996
Multi‐site aerodynamic optimization of wind turbine blades for maximum annual energy production in East Iran
M Azizi, A Jahangirian
Energy Science & Engineering 8 (6), 2169-2186, 2020
3D implicit mesh-less method for compressible flow calculations
S Sattarzadeh, A Jahangirian
Scientia Iranica 19 (3), 503-512, 2012
An implicit solution of the unsteady navier-stokes equations on unstructured moving grids
A Jahangirian, M Hadidoolabi
24th International Congress of the Aeronautical Science, 2004
Adaptive Cartesian grid with mesh-less zones for compressible flow calculations
A Jahangirian, MY Hashemi
Computers & fluids 54, 10-17, 2012
Accelerating global optimization of aerodynamic shapes using a new surrogate-assisted parallel genetic algorithm
M Ebrahimi, A Jahangirian
Engineering Optimization 49 (12), 2079-2094, 2017
Flow separation control over airfoils using DBD plasma body force
R Khoshkhoo, A Jahangirian
Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering 38 …, 2016
Numerical simulation of flow separation control using multiple DBD plasma actuators
R Khoshkhoo, A Jahangirian
Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics 9 (4), 1865-1875, 2016
Multi-point optimization of transonic airfoils using an enhanced genetic algorithm
N Timnak, A Jahangirian
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of …, 2018
Adaptive unstructured grid generation for engineering computation of aerodynamic flows
A Jahangirian, Y Shoraka
Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 78 (5-6), 627-644, 2008
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Articles 1–20