Vu Ngoc Khiêm
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Cited by
Analytical network-averaging of the tube model: Rubber elasticity
VN Khiêm, M Itskov
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 95, 254–269, 2016
A generalized network decomposition model for the quasi-static inelastic behavior of filled elastomers
R Dargazany, VN Khiêm, M Itskov
International Journal of Plasticity 63, 94–109, 2014
Constitutive modeling of strain-induced crystallization in filled rubbers
R Dargazany, VN Khiêm, EA Poshtan, M & Itskov
Physical Review E 89, 022604, 2014
An averaging based tube model for deformation induced anisotropic stress softening of filled elastomers
VN Khiêm, M Itskov
International Journal of Plasticity 90, 96–115, 2017
A Multiaxial Theory of Double Network Hydrogels
VN Khiêm, TT Mai, K Urayama, JP Gong, M Itskov
Macromolecules 52 (15), 5937-5947, 2019
Network evolution model of anisotropic stress softening in filled rubber-like materials: Parameter identification and finite element implementation
R Dargazany, VN Khiêm, U Navrath, M Itskov
Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures 7 (8), 861-885, 2013
Analytical network-averaging of the tube model: Strain-induced crystallization in natural rubber
VN Khiêm, M Itskov
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 116, 350-369, 2018
A polyconvex anisotropic free energy function for electro-and magneto-rheological elastomers
M Itskov, VN Khiêm
Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids 21 (9), 1126-1137, 2016
An averaging based hyperelastic modeling and experimental analysis of non-crimp fabrics
VN Khiêm, H Krieger, M Itskov, T Gries, S Stapleton
International Journal of Solids and Structures 154, 43-54, 2018
Multi-scale modeling of soft fibrous tissues based on proteoglycan mechanics
K Linka, VN Khiêm, M Itskov
Journal of Biomechanics, 2016
Thermodynamics of strain-induced crystallization in filled natural rubber under uni-and biaxial loadings, Part I: Complete energetic characterization and crystallinity evaluation
VN Khiêm, JB Le Cam, S Charles, M Itskov
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 159, 104701, 2022
Electroelasticity of dielectric elastomers based on molecular chain statistics
M Itskov, VN Khiêm, S Waluyo
Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids, 1081286518755846, 2018
Thermodynamics of strain-induced crystallization in filled natural rubber under uni-and biaxial loadings, Part II: Physically-based constitutive theory
VN Khiêm, JB Le Cam, S Charlès, M Itskov
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 159, 104712, 2022
Analytical network-averaging of the tube model: Mechanically induced chemiluminescence in elastomers
VN Khiêm, M Itskov
International Journal of Plasticity 102, 1-15, 2018
Polymer Mechanochemistry in Microbubbles
M Xuan, J Fan, VN Khiêm, M Zou, KO Brenske, A Mourran, R Vinokur, ...
Advanced Materials,, 2023
Material characterisation of biaxial glass-fibre non-crimp fabrics as a function of ply orientation, stitch pattern, stitch length and stitch tension
P Quenzel, H Kröger, B Manin, VN Khiêm, TX Duong, T Gries, M Itskov, ...
Journal of Composite Materials 56 (26), 3971-3991, 2022
A general theory for anisotropic Kirchhoff-Love shells with embedded fibers and in-plane bending
TX Duong, VN Khiêm, M Itskov, RA Sauer
Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids 28 (5), 1274-1317, 2023
Modeling of textile composite using analytical network-averaging and gradient damage approach
VN Khiêm, M Jabareen, R Poudel, X Tang, M Itskov
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 105874, 2024
Review of the analytical network-averaging: part I — theoretical foundation
M Itskov, VN Khiêm
Mechanics of Soft Materials 6 (5), 2024
Optical Force Probes for Spatially Resolved Imaging of Polymer Damage and Failure
BV Asya, S Wang, E Euchler, VN Khiêm, R Göstl
Aggregate,, 2025
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Articles 1–20