Chris J. Vargo
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Cited by
The agenda-setting power of fake news: A big data analysis of the online media landscape from 2014 to 2016
CJ Vargo, L Guo, MA Amazeen
New media & society 20 (5), 2028-2049, 2018
Network issue agendas on Twitter during the 2012 US presidential election
CJ Vargo, L Guo, M McCombs, DL Shaw
Journal of communication 64 (2), 296-316, 2014
Big social data analytics in journalism and mass communication: Comparing dictionary-based text analysis and unsupervised topic modeling
L Guo, CJ Vargo, Z Pan, W Ding, P Ishwar
Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly 93 (2), 332-359, 2016
Networks, big data, and intermedia agenda setting: An analysis of traditional, partisan, and emerging online US news
CJ Vargo, L Guo
Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly 94 (4), 1031-1055, 2017
“Fake news” and emerging online media ecosystem: An integrated intermedia agenda-setting analysis of the 2016 US presidential election
L Guo, C Vargo
Communication Research 47 (2), 178-200, 2020
The power of message networks: A big-data analysis of the network agenda setting model and issue ownership
L Guo, C Vargo
Mass communication and society 18 (5), 557-576, 2015
Geographic and demographic correlates of autism-related anti-vaccine beliefs on Twitter, 2009-15
TS Tomeny, CJ Vargo, S El-Toukhy
Social science & medicine 191, 168-175, 2017
Global intermedia agenda setting: A big data analysis of international news flow
L Guo, CJ Vargo
Journal of Communication 67 (4), 499-520, 2017
Why do people share ideologically extreme, false, and misleading content on social media? A self-report and trace data–based analysis of countermedia content dissemination on …
T Hopp, P Ferrucci, CJ Vargo
Human Communication Research 46 (4), 357-384, 2020
Tackling misinformation: What researchers could do with social media data
IV Pasquetto, B Swire-Thompson, MA Amazeen, F Benevenuto, ...
The Harvard Kennedy School Misinformation Review, 2020
Civic engagement, social capital, and ideological extremity: Exploring online political engagement and political expression on Facebook
P Ferrucci, T Hopp, CJ Vargo
New Media & Society 22 (6), 1095-1115, 2020
Reinforcing attitudes in a gatewatching news era: Individual-level antecedents to sharing fact-checks on social media
MA Amazeen, CJ Vargo, T Hopp
Communication Monographs 86 (1), 112-132, 2019
Socioeconomic status, social capital, and partisan polarity as predictors of political incivility on Twitter: A congressional district-level analysis
CJ Vargo, T Hopp
Social Science Computer Review 35 (1), 10-32, 2017
Toward a tweet typology: Contributory consumer engagement with brand messages by content type
CJ Vargo
Journal of interactive advertising 16 (2), 157-168, 2016
Does negative campaign advertising stimulate uncivil communication on social media? Measuring audience response using big data
T Hopp, CJ Vargo
Computers in human behavior 68, 368-377, 2017
First and second levels of intermedia agenda setting: Political advertising, newspapers, and Twitter during the 2012 US presidential election
Y Kim, WJ Gonzenbach, CJ Vargo, Y Kim
International Journal of Communication 10, 20, 2016
Fear, anger, and political advertisement engagement: A computational case study of Russian-linked Facebook and Instagram content
CJ Vargo, T Hopp
Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly 97 (3), 743-761, 2020
Event versus issue: Twitter reflections of major news, a case study
CJ Vargo, E Basilaia, DL Shaw
Communication and information technologies annual 9, 215-239, 2015
Predictors of international news flow: Exploring a networked global media system
L Guo, CJ Vargo
Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media 64 (3), 418-437, 2020
Twitter as public salience: An agenda-setting analysis
C Vargo
AEJMC annual conference, St. Louis, MO, 10-13, 2011
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Articles 1–20