Dan Cloney
Dan Cloney
Australian Council for Educational Research
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The quality of early childhood education and care services in Australia
C Tayler, K Ishimine, D Cloney, G Cleveland, K Thorpe
Australasian Journal of Early Childhood 38 (2), 13-21, 2013
Variations in the Availability and Quality of Early Childhood Education and Care by Socioeconomic Status of Neighborhoods
D Cloney, G Cleveland, J Hattie, C Tayler
Early Education and Development 27 (3), 384-401, 2015
Positive mental health and academic achievement in elementary school: new evidence from a matching analysis
M O’Connor, D Cloney, A Kvalsvig, S Goldfeld
Educational Researcher 48 (4), 205-216, 2019
Understanding child disadvantage from a social determinants perspective
S Goldfeld, M O’Connor, D Cloney, S Gray, G Redmond, H Badland, ...
J Epidemiol Community Health 72 (3), 223-229, 2018
Self-report measures of the home learning environment in large scale research: Measurement properties and associations with key developmental outcomes
F Niklas, C Nguyen, DS Cloney, C Tayler, R Adams
Learning Environments Research 19, 181-202, 2016
Quality is key in early childhood education in Australia
K Torii, S Fox, D Cloney
Victoria University of Technology. Mitchell Institute, 2017
Assessing the effectiveness of Australian early childhood education and care experiences: study protocol
C Tayler, D Cloney, R Adams, K Ishimine, K Thorpe, C Nguyen
BMC Public Health 16 (1), 1-12, 2016
A bird in the hand: Understanding the trajectories of development of young children and the need for action to improve outcomes
C Tayler, D Cloney, F Niklas
Australasian Journal of Early Childhood 40 (3), 51-60, 2015
Too late and not enough for some children: early childhood education and care (ECEC) program usage patterns in the years before school in Australia
T Gilley, C Tayler, F Niklas, D Cloney
International Journal of Child Care and Education Policy 9, 1-15, 2015
Playing with maths: Implications for early childhood mathematics teaching from an implementation study in Melbourne, Australia
C Cohrssen, C Tayler, D Cloney
Education 3-13 43 (6), 641-652, 2015
Driving precision policy responses to child health and developmental inequities
S Goldfeld, S Gray, F Azpitarte, D Cloney, F Mensah, G Redmond, ...
Health Equity 3 (1), 489-494, 2019
Psychometric Properties of the Classroom Assessment Scoring System (Pre-K): Implications for Measuring Interaction Quality in Diverse Early Childhood Settings.
D Cloney, C Nguyen, RJ Adams, C Tayler, G Cleveland, K Thorpe
Journal of applied measurement 18 (3), 299-318, 2017
The selection of ECEC programs by Australian families: Quality, availability, usage and family demographics
D Cloney, C Tayler, J Hattie, G Cleveland, R Adams
Australasian Journal of Early Childhood 41 (4), 16-27, 2016
More than a snapshot in time: pathways of disadvantage over childhood
S Goldfeld, M O’Connor, E O’Connor, S Chong, H Badland, S Woolfenden, ...
International Journal of Epidemiology 47 (4), 1307-1316, 2018
ACER ConQuest manual
RJ Adams, D Cloney, M Wu, A Osses, V Schwantner, A Vista
Australian Council for Educational Research, 2022
Assessment of children as confident and involved learners in early childhood education and care: Literature review
D Cloney, J Jackson, P Mitchell
Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority, 2019
Quality is key in early childhood education in Australia (Mitchell Institute Policy Paper No. 01/2017)
K Torii, S Fox, D Cloney
Mitchell Institute, 2017
Rethinking Early Childhood Education and Care: Implications for Research and Evaluation
C Thorpe, K., Cloney, D., & Tayler
International Encyclopedia of Education, 144-150, 2010
Comparative analysis of student performance in collaborative problem solving: What does it tell us?
C Scoular, S Eleftheriadou, D Ramalingam, D Cloney
Australian Journal of Education 64 (3), 282-303, 2020
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RJ Adams, ML Wu, D Cloney, A Berezner, M Wilson
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Articles 1–20