Dr. Jito Vanualailai
Cited by
Cited by
Flocking of multi-agents in constrained environments
BN Sharma, J Vanualailai, U Chand
European journal of pure and applied mathematics 2 (3), 401-425, 2009
Stability of a system of Volterra integro-differential equations
J Vanualailai, S Nakagiri
Journal of mathematical analysis and applications 281 (2), 602-619, 2003
A novel approach of fractional-order time delay system modeling based on Haar wavelet
K Kothari, U Mehta, J Vanualailai
ISA transactions 80, 371-380, 2018
Navigation of carlike robots in an extended dynamic environment with swarm avoidance
BN Sharma, J Raj, J Vanualailai
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control 28 (2), 678-698, 2018
Leader‐follower based locally rigid formation control
K Raghuwaiya, B Sharma, J Vanualailai
Journal of Advanced Transportation 2018 (1), 5278565, 2018
Lyapunov-based nonlinear controllers for obstacle avoidance with a planar n-link doubly nonholonomic manipulator
B Sharma, J Vanualailai, S Singh
Robotics and Autonomous Systems 60 (12), 1484-1497, 2012
Tunnel passing maneuvers of prescribed formations
B Sharma, J Vanualailai, S Singh
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control 24 (5), 876-901, 2014
Velocity controllers for a swarm of unmanned aerial vehicles
SA Kumar, J Vanualailai, B Sharma, A Prasad
Journal of Industrial Information Integration 22, 100198, 2021
Motion planning and posture control of multiple n-link doubly nonholonomic manipulators
B Sharma, J Vanualailai, S Singh
Robotica 35 (1), 1-25, 2017
An asymptotically stable collision-avoidance system
J Vanualailai, B Sharma, S Nakagiri
International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics 43 (9), 925-932, 2008
A geometric approach to target convergence and obstacle avoidance of a nonstandard tractor‐trailer robot
A Prasad, B Sharma, J Vanualailai, SA Kumar
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control 30 (13), 4924-4943, 2020
Identification scheme for fractional Hammerstein models with the delayed Haar wavelet
K Kothari, U Mehta, V Prasad, J Vanualailai
IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica 7 (3), 882-891, 2020
Formation control of a swarm of mobile manipulators
B Sharma, J Vanualailai, A Prasad
The Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics, 909-940, 2011
A new stabilizing solution for motion planning and control of multiple robots
A Prasad, B Sharma, J Vanualailai
Robotica 34 (5), 1071-1089, 2016
A Lagrangian UAV swarm formation suitable for monitoring exclusive economic zone and for search and rescue
SA Kumar, J Vanualailai
2017 IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA), 1874-1879, 2017
Novel Lyapunov-based autonomous controllers for quadrotors
J Raj, KS Raghuwaiya, J Vanualailai
IEEE Access 8, 47393-47406, 2020
A swarm model for planar formations of multiple autonomous unmanned aerial vehicles
J Vanualailai, A Sharan, B Sharma
2013 IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control (ISIC), 206-211, 2013
Globally rigid formation of n-link doubly nonholonomic mobile manipulators
B Sharma, S Singh, J Vanualailai, A Prasad
Robotics and Autonomous Systems 105, 69-84, 2018
Motion control of an articulated mobile manipulator in 3D using the Lyapunov-based control scheme
A Prasad, B Sharma, J Vanualailai, S Kumar
International Journal of Control 95 (9), 2581-2595, 2022
A solution to the two-dimensional findpath problem
J Vanualailai, JH Ha, S Nakagiri
Dynamics and Stability of Systems 13 (4), 373-401, 1998
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Articles 1–20