Carlos Mosquera
Carlos Mosquera
Professor, atlanTTic research center, University of Vigo
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Rational dither modulation: A high-rate data-hiding method invariant to gain attacks
F Pérez-González, C Mosquera, M Barni, A Abrardo
Signal Processing, IEEE Transactions on 53 (10), 3960-3975, 2005
Dynamic spectrum leasing: A new paradigm for spectrum sharing in cognitive radio networks
SK Jayaweera, G Vazquez-Vilar, C Mosquera
Vehicular Technology, IEEE Transactions on 59 (5), 2328-2339, 2010
Sixth-order statistics-based non-data-aided SNR estimation
R Lopez-Valcarce, C Mosquera
Communications Letters, IEEE 11 (4), 351-353, 2007
Joint Linear Precoding and Beamforming for the Forward Link of Multi-Beam Broadband Satellite Systems
B Devillers, A Pérez-Neira, C Mosquera
Non-linear interference mitigation for broadband multimedia satellite systems
MA Diaz, N Courville, C Mosquera, G Liva, GE Corazza
Satellite and Space Communications, 2007. IWSSC'07. International Workshop …, 2007
SNR estimation for multilevel constellations using higher-order moments
M Alvarez-Diaz, R Lopez-Valcarce, C Mosquera
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 58 (3), 1515-1526, 2009
Satellite communications: Research trends and open issues
A Vanelli-Corali, GE Corazza, GK Karagiannidis, PT Mathiopoulos, ...
2007 international workshop on satellite and space communications, 71-75, 2007
Performance of the multibeam satellite return link with correlated rain attenuation
J Arnau, D Christopoulos, S Chatzinotas, C Mosquera, B Ottersten
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 13 (11), 6286-6299, 2014
Comunicaciones digitales
AA Rodríguez, FP González, JC Sueiro, RL Valcarce, CM Nartallo, ...
Pearson, 2007
Performance study of multiuser interference mitigation schemes for hybrid broadband multibeam satellite architectures
J Arnau, B Devillers, C Mosquera, A Pérez-Neira
EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking 2012, 1-19, 2012
Non-data-aided symbol rate estimation of linearly modulated signals
C Mosquera, S Scalise, R López-Valcarce
Signal Processing, IEEE Transactions on 56 (2), 664-674, 2008
Estimation of road vehicle speed using two omnidirectional microphones: a maximum likelihood approach
R López-Valcarce, C Mosquera, F Pérez-González
EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing 2004, 1059-1077, 2004
Cramer-Rao lower bound and EM algorithm for envelope-based SNR estimation of nonconstant modulus constellations
W Gappmair, R López-Valcarce, C Mosquera
Communications, IEEE Transactions on 57 (6), 1622-1627, 2009
An adaptive feedback canceller for full-duplex relays based on spectrum shaping
R López-Valcarce, E Antonio-Rodriguez, C Mosquera, F Pérez-González
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 30 (8), 1566-1577, 2012
Efficient dynamic spectrum sharing in cognitive radio networks: Centralized dynamic spectrum leasing (C-DSL)
K Hakim, SK Jayaweera, G El-howayek, C Mosquera
Wireless Communications, IEEE Transactions on 9 (9), 2956-2967, 2010
Two-dimensional statistical test for the presence of almost cyclostationarity on images
D Vazquez-Padín, C Mosquera, F Pérez-González
2010 IEEE International conference on image processing, 1745-1748, 2010
A dynamic spectrum leasing (DSL) framework for spectrum sharing in cognitive radio networks
SK Jayaweera, C Mosquera
Signals, Systems and Computers, 2009 Conference Record of the Forty-Third …, 2009
On the role of differentiation for resampling detection
N Dalgaard, C Mosquera, F Pérez-González
2010 IEEE International conference on image processing, 1753-1756, 2010
A hybrid beamforming design for massive MIMO LEO satellite communications
N Gonzalez-Prelcic, J Palacios, C Mosquera, T Shimizu, CH Wang
Frontiers in Space Technologies 2, 4, 2021
Primary user enters the game: Performance of dynamic spectrum leasing in cognitive radio networks
G Vazquez-Vilar, C Mosquera, SK Jayaweera
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 9 (12), 1-5, 2010
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Articles 1–20