Xiaobo Chen
Xiaobo Chen
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Hydrodynamics in offshore and naval applications-Part I
XB Chen
Keynote lecture of 6th Intl. Conf. HydroDynamics, Perth (Australia), 2004
Li–Nb–O Coating/Substitution Enhances the Electrochemical Performance of the LiNi0.8Mn0.1Co0.1O2 (NMC 811) Cathode
F Xin, H Zhou, X Chen, M Zuba, N Chernova, G Zhou, MS Whittingham
ACS applied materials & interfaces 11 (38), 34889-34894, 2019
Hydrodynamic analysis for offshore LNG terminals
XB Chen
Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Applied Offshore …, 2005
In situ transmission electron microscopy on energy‐related catalysis
S Hwang, X Chen, G Zhou, D Su
Advanced Energy Materials 10 (11), 1902105, 2020
Screening of fungi for potential application of self-healing concrete
RR Menon, J Luo, X Chen, H Zhou, Z Liu, G Zhou, N Zhang, C Jin
Scientific reports 9 (1), 2075, 2019
Modelling of multi-bodies in close proximity under water waves—Fluid resonance in narrow gaps
L Lu, B Teng, L Cheng, L Sun, XB Chen
Science China Physics, Mechanics and Astronomy 54, 16-25, 2011
Middle-field formulation for the computation of wave-drift loads
XB Chen
Journal of Engineering Mathematics 59 (1), 61-82, 2007
A viscous damping model for piston mode resonance
L Tan, L Lu, GQ Tang, L Cheng, XB Chen
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 871, 510-533, 2019
Influence of processing and microstructure on the local and bulk thermal conductivity of selective laser melted 316L stainless steel
JC Simmons, X Chen, A Azizi, MA Daeumer, PY Zavalij, G Zhou, ...
Additive Manufacturing 32, 100996, 2020
Influence of emission-factor uncertainty and farm-characteristic variability in LCA estimates of environmental impacts of French dairy farms
X Chen, MS Corson
Journal of cleaner production 81, 150-157, 2014
Numerical investigation of viscous effects on the gap resonance between side-by-side barges
X Feng, W Bai, XB Chen, L Qian, ZH Ma
Ocean Engineering 145, 44-58, 2017
First-principles study of 2.2 nm silicon nanocrystals doped with boron
X Pi, X Chen, D Yang
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 115 (20), 9838-9843, 2011
On singular and highly oscillatory properties of the Green function for ship motions
X Chen, GX Wu
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 445, 77-91, 2001
Combining bulk/surface engineering of hematite to synergistically improve its photoelectrochemical water splitting performance
Y Yuan, J Gu, KH Ye, Z Chai, X Yu, X Chen, C Zhao, Y Zhang, W Mai
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 8 (25), 16071-16077, 2016
New Green-function method to predict wave-induced ship motions and loads
XB Chen, L Diebold, Y Doutreleau
Twenty-Third Symposium on Naval HydrodynamicsOffice of Naval ResearchBassin …, 2001
Unveiling the electrochromic mechanism of Prussian Blue by electronic transition analysis
M Qiu, F Zhou, P Sun, X Chen, C Zhao, W Mai
Nano Energy 78, 105148, 2020
Critical role of dopant location for P-doped Si nanocrystals
X Chen, X Pi, D Yang
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 115 (3), 661-666, 2011
Emergent superconductivity in two-dimensional crystals
F Zheng, XB Li, P Tan, Y Lin, L Xiong, X Chen, J Feng
Physical Review B 101 (10), 100505, 2020
The vortex shedding around four circular cylinders in an in-line square configuration
F Tong, L Cheng, M Zhao, T Zhou, X Chen
Physics of Fluids 26 (2), 2014
Interaction effects of local steady flow on wave diffraction-radiation at low forward speed
XB Chen
International journal of offshore and polar engineering 8 (02), 1998
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Articles 1–20