Jonathan Amsbary
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Cited by
Exploring social media group use among breastfeeding mothers: Qualitative analysis
KR Skelton, R Evans, J LaChenaye, J Amsbary, M Wingate, L Talbott
JMIR pediatrics and parenting 1 (2), e11344, 2018
An analysis of prolific scholarship in speech communication, 1915–1985: Toward a yardstick for measuring research productivity
M Hickson III, DW Stacks, JH Amsbary
Communication Education 38 (3), 230-236, 1989
Active prolific female scholars in communication: An analysis of research productivity, II
M Hickson III, DW Stacks, JH Amsbary
Communication Quarterly 40 (4), 350-356, 1992
Active prolific scholars in communication studies: Analysis of research productivity, II
M Hickson III, DW Stacks, JH Amsbary
Communication Education 42 (3), 224-233, 1993
Examining the perceptions of doctor-patient communication
C Blanquicett, JH Amsbary, C Mills, L Powell
Human Communication 10 (4), 421-436, 2007
Utilization of online focus groups to include mothers: a use-case design, reflection, and recommendations
K Skelton, R Evans, J Lachenaye, J Amsbary, M Wingate, L Talbott
Digital Health 4, 2055207618777675, 2018
Factors influencing evaluations of web site information
JH Amsbary, L Powell
Psychological reports 93 (1), 191-198, 2003
Improving Administrator/Nurse Communication: A Case Study of" Management by Wandering Around"
JH Amsbary, PJ Staples
The Journal of Business Communication (1973) 28 (2), 101-112, 1991
Stigma as a communication barrier for participation in the federal government's women, infants, and children program
L Powell, J Amsbary, H Xin
Qualitative Research Reports in Communication 16 (1), 75-85, 2015
The Wai in Thai culture: Greeting, status-marking and national identity functions
L Powell, J Amsbary, M Hickson
Journal of Intercultural Communication 14 (1), 1-07, 2014
Interviewing: Situations and contexts
L Powell, J Amsbary
(No Title), 2006
Communication traits and social phobia
J Amsbary, JC McCroskey
Hum. Commun 12, 485-492, 1967
Self-Reported Obesity and Obesity-Related Behaviors.
L Powell, JH Amsbary
Individual Differences Research 2 (2), 2004
Interviewing in a changing world: Situations and contexts
JH Amsbary, L Powell
Routledge, 2018
Smoking artifacts as indicators of homophily, attraction, and credibility: A replication
JH Amsbary, R Vogel, M Hickson III, JW Wittig, B Oakes
Communication Research Reports 11 (2), 161-167, 1994
Content analysis of self-help Internet discussion boards: What they do, what they don’t do
JH Amsbary, L Powell
Human Communication 16 (2), 49-57, 2012
Exploring social media group use among breastfeeding mothers: qualitative analysis. JMIR Pediatr Parent. 2018 Nov 5; 1 (2): e11344
KR Skelton, R Evans, J LaChenaye, J Amsbary, M Wingate, L Talbott
Relations among age, income, and knowledge of investments
L Powell, JH Amsbary
Perceptual and Motor Skills 92 (3), 888-892, 2001
The Blake and Mouton Grid as a Model for Effective Parent/Child Communication.
J Amsbary
North Dakota Journal of Speech & Theatre 2 (1), 1989
The Basics of Interviewing
JH Amsbary, L Powell
Interviewing in a Changing World, 3-20, 2018
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Articles 1–20