A. Dana Johnston
A. Dana Johnston
Dept. of Earth Sciences; University of Oregon
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Phase equilibria and melt productivity in the pelitic system: implications for the origin of peraluminous granitoids and aluminous granulites
AE Patiño Douce, AD Johnston
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 107 (2), 202-218, 1991
Fluid-absent melting behavior of an F-rich tonalitic gneiss at mid-crustal pressures: implications for the generation of anorogenic granites
Journal of Petrology 34 (4), 785-815, 1993
Vapor-absent melting at 10 kbar of a biotite-and amphibole-bearing tonalitic gneiss: implications for the generation of A-type granites
KP Skjerlie, AD Johnston
Geology 20 (3), 263-266, 1992
Phase equilibria and melt productivity in the pelitic system: implications for the origin of peraluminous granitoids and aluminous granulites
AEP Douce, AD Johnston
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 107 (2), 202-218, 1991
Vapour-absent melting from 10 to 20 kbar of crustal rocks that contain multiple hydrous phases: implications for anatexis in the deep to very deep continental crust and active …
KP Skjerlie, AD Johnston
Journal of Petrology 37 (3), 661-691, 1996
Anatexis and metamorphism in tectonically thickened continental crust exemplified by the Sevier hinterland, western North America
P DOUCE, ED Humphreys, AD Johnston
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 97 (3), 290-315, 1990
The effects of variable bulk composition on the melting systematics of fertile peridotitic assemblages
J Pickering-Witter, AD Johnston
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 140 (2), 190-211, 2000
Melting systematics of modally variable, compositionally intermediate peridotites and the effects of mineral fertility
BE Schwab, AD Johnston
Journal of Petrology 42 (10), 1789-1811, 2001
Fluid absent melting of a layered crustal protolith: implications for the generation of anatectic granites
KP Skjerlie, AE Patiño Douce, AD Johnston
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 114, 365-378, 1993
Interaction of granitic and basic magmas: experimental observations on contamination processes at 10 kbar with H2O
AD Johnston, PJ Wyllie
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 98, 352-362, 1988
Constraints on the origin of Archean trondhjemites based on phase relationships of Nûk gneiss with H2O at 15 kbar
AD Johnston, PJ Wyllie
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 100, 35-46, 1988
Anhydrous PT phase relations of near-primary high-alumina basalt from the South Sandwich Islands: Implications for the origin of island arcs and tonalite-trondhjemite series rocks
AD Johnston
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 92 (3), 368-382, 1986
Anhydrous PT phase relations of an Aleutian high-MgO basalt: an investigation of the role of olivine-liquid reaction in the generation of arc high-alumina basalts
DS Draper, AD Johnston
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 112, 501-519, 1992
Octahedral excess mixing properties in biotite: a working model with applications to geobarometry and geothermometry
AE Patino Douce, AD Johnston, JM Rice
American Mineralogist 78 (1-2), 113-131, 1993
Experimentally determined rare-earth element and Y partitioning behavior between clinopyroxene and basaltic liquids at pressures up to 20 kbar
PJ Hack, RL Nielsen, AD Johnston
Chemical Geology 117 (1-4), 89-105, 1994
An empirical glass-composition-based geothermometer for Mauna Loa lavas
C Montierth, AD Johnston, KV Cashman
Geophysical Monograph Series 92, 207-217, 1995
The system tonalite-peridotite-H2O at 30 kbar, with applications to hybridization in subduction zone magmatism
AD Johnston, PJ Wyllie
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 102 (3), 257-264, 1989
Constraints on clinopyroxene/melt partitioning of REE, Rb, Sr, Ti, Cr, Zr, and Nb during mantle melting: First insights from direct peridotite melting experiments at 1.0 GPa
AD Johnston, BE Schwab
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 68 (23), 4949-4962, 2004
A comparative study of continental vs. intraoceanic arc mantle melting: Experimentally determined phase relations of hydrous primitive melts
SL Weaver, PJ Wallace, AD Johnston
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 308 (1-2), 97-106, 2011
PR Basin
Journal of Hydrology 46, 311-330, 1980
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Articles 1–20