Clive Pai
Clive Pai
Professor (retired)
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Center of mass velocity-position predictions for balance control
YC Pai, J Patton
Journal of biomechanics 30 (4), 347-354, 1997
Physical functioning over three years in knee osteoarthritis: role of psychosocial, local mechanical, and neuromuscular factors
L Sharma, S Cahue, J Song, K Hayes, YC Pai, D Dunlop
Arthritis & Rheumatism: Official Journal of the American College of …, 2003
Effect of age and osteoarthritis on knee proprioception
YC Pai, WZ Rymer, RW Chang, L Sharma
Arthritis & Rheumatism: Official Journal of the American College of …, 1997
Is knee joint proprioception worse in the arthritic knee versus the unaffected knee in unilateral knee osteoarthritis?
L Sharma, YC Pai, K Holtkamp, WZ Rymer
Arthritis & Rheumatism: Official Journal of the American College of …, 1997
Independent influence of gait speed and step length on stability and fall risk
DD Espy, F Yang, T Bhatt, YC Pai
Gait & posture 32 (3), 378-382, 2010
Adaptive control of gait stability in reducing slip-related backward loss of balance
T Bhatt, JD Wening, YC Pai
Experimental Brain Research 170, 61-73, 2006
Static versus dynamic predictions of protective stepping following waist–pull perturbations in young and older adults
YC Pai, MW Rogers, J Patton, TD Cain, TA Hanke
Journal of biomechanics 31 (12), 1111-1118, 1998
Perturbation training can reduce community-dwelling older adults’ annual fall risk: a randomized controlled trial
YC Pai, T Bhatt, F Yang, E Wang, S Kritchevsky
Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biomedical Sciences and Medical Sciences …, 2014
Impaired proprioception and osteoarthritis
L Sharma, YC Pai
Current opinion in rheumatology 9 (3), 253-258, 1997
Control of body mass transfer as a function of speed of ascent in sit-to-stand.
YC Pai, MW Rogers
Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 22 (3), 378-384, 1990
Stroking techniques of elite swimmers
YC Pai, JG Hay, BD Wilson
Journal of Sports Sciences 2 (3), 225-239, 1984
Dynamic transitions in stance support accompanying leg flexion movements in man
MW Rogers, YC Pai
Experimental Brain Research 81, 398-402, 1990
Influence of gait speed on stability: recovery from anterior slips and compensatory stepping
T Bhatt, JD Wening, YC Pai
Gait & posture 21 (2), 146-156, 2005
Simulated movement termination for balance recovery: can movement strategies be sought to maintain stability in the presence of slipping or forced sliding?
YC Pai, K Iqbal
Journal of biomechanics 32 (8), 779-786, 1999
Repeated-slip training: an emerging paradigm for prevention of slip-related falls among older adults
YC Pai, TS Bhatt
Physical therapy 87 (11), 1478-1491, 2007
Role of feedforward control of movement stability in reducing slip-related balance loss and falls among older adults
YC Pai, JD Wening, EF Runtz, K Iqbal, MJ Pavol
Journal of neurophysiology 90 (2), 755-762, 2003
Human-centred approaches in slipperiness measurement
R Grönqvist, J Abeysekera, G Gard, SM Hsiang, TB Leamon, DJ Newman, ...
Ergonomics 44 (13), 1167-1199, 2001
Thresholds for step initiation induced by support-surface translation: a dynamic center-of-mass model provides much better prediction than a static model
YC Pai, BE Maki, K Iqbal, WE McIlroy, SD Perry
Journal of biomechanics 33 (3), 387-392, 2000
Age influences the outcome of a slipping perturbation during initial but not repeated exposures
MJ Pavol, EF Runtz, BJ Edwards, YC Pai
The Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical …, 2002
Alterations in weight-transfer capabilities in adults with hemiparesis
YC Pai, MW Rogers, L Deming Hedman, TA Hanke
Physical Therapy 74 (7), 647-656, 1994
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Articles 1–20