David Propst
David Propst
Adjunct Professor, University of New Mexico
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Responses of native and nonnative fishes to natural flow regime mimicry in the San Juan River
DL Propst, KB Gido
Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 133 (4), 922-931, 2004
Natural flow regimes, nonnative fishes, and native fish persistence in arid‐land river systems
DL Propst, KB Gido, JA Stefferud
Ecological Applications 18 (5), 1236-1252, 2008
Threatened and endangered fishes of New Mexico
DL Propst
New Mexico Department of Game and Fish, 1999
Conservation and status of Gila trout, Oncorhynchus gilae
DL Propst, JA Stefferud, PR Turner
The Southwestern Naturalist, 117-125, 1992
Multidecadal responses of native and introduced fishes to natural and altered flow regimes in the American Southwest
KB Gido, DL Propst, JD Olden, KR Bestgen
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 70 (4), 554-564, 2013
Catastrophic wildfire and number of populations as factors influencing risk of extinction for Gila trout (Oncorhynchus gilae)
DK Brown, AA Echelle, DL Propst, JE Brooks, WL Fisher
Western North American Naturalist, 139-148, 2001
Diet and trophic niche overlap of native and nonnative fishes in the Gila River, USA: implications for native fish conservation
TJ Pilger, KB Gido, DL Propst
Ecology of Freshwater Fish 19 (2), 300-321, 2010
Spatial and temporal variation of fish communities in secondary channels of the San Juan River, New Mexico and Utah
KB Gido, DL Propst, MC Molles
Environmental Biology of Fishes 49, 417-434, 1997
Dispersal and life history traits of Notropis girardi (Cypriniformes: Cyprinidae), introduced into the Pecos River, New Mexico
KR Bestgen, SP Platania, JE Brooks, DL Propst
American Midland Naturalist, 228-235, 1989
Long‐term dynamics of native and nonnative fishes in the San Juan River, New Mexico and Utah, under a partially managed flow regime
KB Gido, DL Propst
Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 141 (3), 645-659, 2012
Habitat use and association of native and nonnative fishes in the San Juan River, New Mexico and Utah
KB Gido, DL Propst
Copeia, 321-332, 1999
Status of Colorado squawfish and razorback sucker in the San Juan River, Colorado, New Mexico, and Utah
SP Platania, KR Bestgen, MA Moretti, DL Propst, JE Brooks
The Southwestern Naturalist 36 (1), 147-150, 1991
Flow regime affects availability of native and nonnative prey of an endangered predator
NR Franssen, KB Gido, DL Propst
Biological Conservation 138 (3-4), 330-340, 2007
Spatially variable response of native fish assemblages to discharge, predators and habitat characteristics in an arid‐land river
JA Stefferud, KB Gido, DL Propst
Freshwater Biology 56 (7), 1403-1416, 2011
Habitat and biology of the loach minnow, Tiaroga cobitis, in New Mexico
DL Propst, KR Bestgen
Copeia, 29-38, 1991
Distribution, status, and notes on the ecology of Gila robusta (Cyprinidae) in the Gila River drainage, New Mexico
KR Bestgen, DL Propst
The Southwestern Naturalist, 402-412, 1989
RivFishTIME: A global database of fish time‐series to study global change ecology in riverine systems
L Comte, J Carvajal‐Quintero, PA Tedesco, X Giam, U Brose, T Erős, ...
Global Ecology and Biogeography 30 (1), 38-50, 2021
Native inland trout restoration on national forests in the western United States: time for improvement?
B Finlayson, W Somer, D Duffield, D Propst, C Mellison, T Pettengill, ...
Fisheries 30 (5), 10-19, 2005
Consecutive wildfires affect stream biota in cold-and warmwater dryland river networks
JE Whitney, KB Gido, TJ Pilger, DL Propst, TF Turner
Freshwater Science 34 (4), 1510-1526, 2015
Population dynamics of Gila trout in the Gila River drainage of the south‐western United States
DL Propst, JA Stefferud
Journal of Fish Biology 51 (6), 1137-1154, 1997
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