Articles with public access mandates - Moo-Young SeokLearn more
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Spherical nanoindentation creep behavior of nanocrystalline and coarse-grained CoCrFeMnNi high-entropy alloys
DH Lee, MY Seok, Y Zhao, IC Choi, J He, Z Lu, JY Suh, U Ramamurty, ...
Acta Materialia 109, 314-322, 2016
Mandates: US National Science Foundation, National Natural Science Foundation of China …
Nanomechanical behavior and structural stability of a nanocrystalline CoCrFeNiMn high-entropy alloy processed by high-pressure torsion
DH Lee, IC Choi, MY Seok, J He, Z Lu, JY Suh, M Kawasaki, TG Langdon, ...
Journal of Materials Research 30 (18), 2804-2815, 2015
Mandates: European Commission
Time-dependent nanoscale plasticity in nanocrystalline nickel rods and tubes
JA Lee, BB Seo, IC Choi, MY Seok, Y Zhao, Z Jahed, U Ramamurty, ...
Scripta Materialia 112, 79-82, 2016
Mandates: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
High-cycle fatigue behavior of Zn–22% Al alloy processed by high-pressure torsion
IC Choi, BG Yoo, O Kraft, R Schwaiger, MY Seok, M Kawasaki, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: A 618, 37-40, 2014
Mandates: European Commission
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