Moo-Young Seok
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Cited by
Resistance of CoCrFeMnNi high-entropy alloy to gaseous hydrogen embrittlement
Y Zhao, DH Lee, MY Seok, JA Lee, MP Phaniraj, JY Suh, HY Ha, JY Kim, ...
Scripta Materialia 135, 54-58, 2017
Spherical nanoindentation creep behavior of nanocrystalline and coarse-grained CoCrFeMnNi high-entropy alloys
DH Lee, MY Seok, Y Zhao, IC Choi, J He, Z Lu, JY Suh, U Ramamurty, ...
Acta Materialia 109, 314-322, 2016
The role of hydrogen in hardening/softening steel: Influence of the charging process
Y Zhao, MY Seok, IC Choi, YH Lee, SJ Park, U Ramamurty, JY Suh, ...
Scripta Materialia 107, 46-49, 2015
Nanomechanical behavior and structural stability of a nanocrystalline CoCrFeNiMn high-entropy alloy processed by high-pressure torsion
DH Lee, IC Choi, MY Seok, J He, Z Lu, JY Suh, M Kawasaki, TG Langdon, ...
Journal of Materials Research 30 (18), 2804-2815, 2015
Estimation of the Hall–Petch strengthening coefficient of steels through nanoindentation
MY Seok, IC Choi, J Moon, S Kim, U Ramamurty, J Jang
Scripta Materialia 87, 49-52, 2014
Nanoscale room temperature creep of nanocrystalline nickel pillars at low stresses
IC Choi, YJ Kim, MY Seok, BG Yoo, JY Kim, Y Wang, J Jang
International Journal of Plasticity 41, 53-64, 2013
Decoupling the contributions of constituent layers to the strength and ductility of a multi-layered steel
MY Seok, JA Lee, DH Lee, U Ramamurty, S Nambu, T Koseki, J Jang
Acta Materialia 121, 164-172, 2016
Estimating the stress exponent of nanocrystalline nickel: Sharp vs. spherical indentation
IC Choi, BG Yoo, YJ Kim, MY Seok, Y Wang, J Jang
Scripta Materialia 65 (4), 300-303, 2011
Predicting flow curves of two-phase steels from spherical nanoindentation data of constituent phases: Isostrain method vs. non-isostrain method
MY Seok, YJ Kim, IC Choi, Y Zhao, J Jang
International Journal of Plasticity 59, 108-118, 2014
Influence of pre-strain on the gaseous hydrogen embrittlement resistance of a high-entropy alloy
Y Zhao, DH Lee, WJ Kim, MY Seok, JY Kim, HN Han, JY Suh, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: A 718, 43-47, 2018
Effect of hydrogen on the yielding behavior and shear transformation zone volume in metallic glass ribbons
Y Zhao, IC Choi, MY Seok, MH Kim, DH Kim, U Ramamurty, JY Suh, ...
Acta materialia 78, 213-221, 2014
Stress-dependent hardening-to-softening transition of hydrogen effects in nanoindentation of a linepipe steel
DH Lee, JA Lee, MY Seok, UB Baek, SH Nahm, J Jang
international journal of hydrogen energy 39 (4), 1897-1902, 2014
Influence of hydrogen on incipient plasticity in CoCrFeMnNi high-entropy alloy
G Yang, Y Zhao, DH Lee, JM Park, MY Seok, JY Suh, U Ramamurty, ...
Scripta Materialia 161, 23-27, 2019
Hydrogen-induced hardening and softening of Ni–Nb–Zr amorphous alloys: Dependence on the Zr content
Y Zhao, IC Choi, MY Seok, U Ramamurty, JY Suh, J Jang
Scripta Materialia 93, 56-59, 2014
Hydrogen-induced toughness drop in weld coarse-grained heat-affected zones of linepipe steel
JA Lee, DH Lee, MY Seok, UB Baek, YH Lee, SH Nahm, J Jang
Materials characterization 82, 17-22, 2013
Statistical analysis of the size-and rate-dependence of yield and plastic flow in nanocrystalline copper pillars
JA Lee, MY Seok, Y Zhao, IC Choi, DH Lee, BB Seo, U Ramamurty, ...
Acta Materialia 127, 332-340, 2017
Hydrogen-induced softening in nanocrystalline Ni investigated by nanoindentation
Y Zhao, MY Seok, DH Lee, JA Lee, JY Suh, J Jang
Philosophical Magazine 96 (32-34), 3442-3450, 2016
On the contributions of different micromechanisms for enhancement in the strength of TI–6Al–4V alloy upon B addition: A nanomechanical analysis
MY Seok, Y Zhao, JA Lee, RM Mohamed, LM Al-Harbi, MS Al-Ghamdi, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: A 649, 123-127, 2016
Time-dependent nanoscale plasticity in nanocrystalline nickel rods and tubes
JA Lee, BB Seo, IC Choi, MY Seok, Y Zhao, Z Jahed, U Ramamurty, ...
Scripta Materialia 112, 79-82, 2016
A novel way to estimate the nanoindentation hardness of only-irradiated layer and its application to ion irradiated Fe-12Cr alloy
HS Kim, DH Lee, MY Seok, Y Zhao, WJ Kim, D Kwon, HH Jin, J Kwon, ...
Journal of Nuclear Materials 487, 343-347, 2017
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Articles 1–20