Qiushi Chen
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Cited by
On the rheology of dilative granular media: bridging solid-and fluid-like behavior
JE Andrade, Q Chen, PH Le, CF Avila, TM Evans
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 60 (6), 1122-1136, 2012
Albany: using component-based design to develop a flexible, generic multiphysics analysis code
AG Salinger, RA Bartlett, AM Bradley, Q Chen, IP Demeshko, X Gao, ...
International Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineering 14 (4), 2016
Characterization of random fields and their impact on the mechanics of geosystems at multiple scales
Q Chen, A Seifried, JE Andrade, JW Baker
International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics …, 2012
Modeling the hydro-mechanical responses of strip and circular punch loadings on water-saturated collapsible geomaterials
WC Sun, Q Chen, JT Ostien
Acta Geotechnica 9, 903-934, 2014
Reconstructing granular particles from X-ray computed tomography using the TWS machine learning tool and the level set method
Z Lai, Q Chen
Acta Geotechnica 14, 1-18, 2019
Return mapping for nonsmooth and multiscale elastoplasticity
X Tu, JE Andrade, Q Chen
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 198 (30-32), 2286-2296, 2009
Model selection in geological and geotechnical engineering in the face of uncertainty-does a complex model always outperform a simple model?
CH Juang, W Gong, JR Martin II, Q Chen
Engineering Geology 242, 184-196, 2018
Fourier series-based discrete element method for computational mechanics of irregular-shaped particles
Z Lai, Q Chen, L Huang
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 362, 112873, 2020
Discrete element modeling of deformable pinewood chips in cyclic loading test
Y Xia, Z Lai, T Westover, J Klinger, H Huang, Q Chen
Powder technology 345, 1-14, 2019
CPT-based evaluation of liquefaction potential accounting for soil spatial variability at multiple scales
Q Chen, C Wang, C Hsein Juang
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 142 (2), 04015077, 2016
On the spatial variability of CPT-based geotechnical parameters for regional liquefaction evaluation
C Wang, Q Chen, M Shen, CH Juang
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 95, 153-166, 2017
Probabilistic and spatial assessment of liquefaction-induced settlements through multiscale random field models
Q Chen, C Wang, CH Juang
Engineering Geology 211, 135-149, 2016
AES for multiscale localization modeling in granular media
Q Chen, JE Andrade, E Samaniego
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 200 (33-36), 2473-2482, 2011
Predicting liquefaction probability based on shear wave velocity: an update
M Shen, Q Chen, J Zhang, W Gong, C Hsein Juang
Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment 75, 1199-1214, 2016
Performance of overlapped shield tunneling through an integrated physical model tests, numerical simulations and real-time field monitoring
J Yang, C Liu, Q Chen, X Xie
Underground Space 2 (1), 45-59, 2017
Discrete element modeling of switchgrass particles under compression and rotational shear
Y Guo, Q Chen, Y Xia, T Westover, S Eksioglu, M Roni
Biomass and Bioenergy 141, 105649, 2020
Spatially correlated multiscale Vs30 mapping and a case study of the Suzhou site
W Liu, Q Chen, C Wang, CH Juang, G Chen
Engineering Geology 220, 110-122, 2017
Characterization and discrete element simulation of grading and shape-dependent behavior of JSC-1A Martian regolith simulant
Z Lai, Q Chen
Granular Matter 19 (4), 69, 2017
Albany: A Component-Based Partial Differential Equation Code Built on Trilinos.
AG Salinger, RA Bartett, Q Chen, X Gao, G Hansen, I Kalashnikova, ...
ACM Transaction on Mathematical Software, 2013
Assessment of a tomography-informed polyhedral discrete element modelling approach for complex-shaped granular woody biomass in stress consolidation
Y Xia, F Chen, JL Klinger, JJ Kane, T Bhattacharjee, R Seifert, OO Ajayi, ...
Biosystems Engineering 205, 187-211, 2021
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Articles 1–20