Sharon Moran
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Cited by
Finding our way: A case study of urban waterway restoration and participatory process
S Moran, M Perreault, R Smardon
Landscape and Urban Planning 191, 102982, 2019
Organic micropollutants in New York lakes: A statewide citizen science occurrence study
S Wang, M Matt, BL Murphy, MG Perkins, DA Matthews, SD Moran, ...
Environmental science & technology 54 (21), 13759-13770, 2020
Cities, creeks, and erasure: Stream restoration and environmental justice
S Moran
Environmental justice 3 (2), 61-69, 2010
Stream restoration projects: a critical analysis of urban greening
S Moran
Local Environment 12 (2), 111-128, 2007
Revitalizing urban waterway communities: Streams of environmental justice
R Smardon, S Moran, AK Baptiste
Routledge, 2018
Under the lawn: Engaging the water cycle
S Moran
Ethics Place and Environment (Ethics, Place & Environment (Merged with …, 2008
Waste matters: compost, domestic practice, and the transformation of alternative toilet cultures around Skaneateles Lake, New York
M Dimpfl, S Moran
Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 32 (4), 721-738, 2014
Vistula River bed erosion processes and their influence on Warsaw’s flood safety
A Magnuszewski, S Moran
Proceedings of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences 367 …, 2015
How service-learning influences youth purpose around the world, student semester start survey, Qualtrics version, Finnish language (E. Kuusisto, & K. Tirri, Trans.)
S Moran
Clark University, 2014
The evolution of empirical environmental justice research methods: A call for greater use of geographically weighted regression
B Comer, S Moran
Environmental justice 10 (1), 11-15, 2017
Fluid categories: water system management in post-communist Poland
SD Moran
Clark University, 2000
Purpose characteristics questionnaire
S Moran, JM Mariano
Worcester, MA: Clark University, 2014
GIS approach to estimation of the total phosphorous transfer in the Pilica River lowland catchment
A Magnuszewski, E Kiedrzyńska, M Kiedrzyński, S Moran
Quaestiones geographicae 33 (3), 101-110, 2014
Finding our way: Urban waterway restoration and participatory processes
S Moran, M Perreault, R Smardon
Fábos Conference on Landscape and Greenway Planning 4 (1), 2013
Modelling lowland reservoir sedimentation conditions and the potential environmental consequences of dam removal: Wloclawek Reservoir, Vistula River, Poland
A Magnuszewski, S Moran, G Yu
Proceedings of the ICCE Symposium Held at Warsaw University of Life Sciences …, 2010
Stream restoration as a seminar theme: Opportunities for synthesis and integration
S Moran
Journal of Geography 102 (2), 67-79, 2003
Comparing water source knowledge in cities that exceed the lead action level
L Harnish, AT Carpenter, S Moran
Journal‐American Water Works Association 109 (3), E61-E72, 2017
Broadening tourism and cultivating sustainability: Exploring opportunities in Bangladesh
S Nowreen, S Moran
Journal of sustainable development 16 (1), 1-93, 2023
Revitalizing urban waterways: Streams of environmental justice
R Smardon, S Moran
Fábos Conference on Landscape and Greenway Planning 5 (2), 2016
Stream restoration: A senior seminar theme
S Moran
Teaching sustainability at universities: Towards curriculum greening, 25-44, 2002
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Articles 1–20