Khalid Gul
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Cited by
Rice Starch Diversity: Effects on Structural, Morphological, Thermal, and Physicochemical Properties—A Review
AA Wani, P Singh, MA Shah, U Schweiggert‐Weisz, K Gul, IA Wani
Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety 11 (5), 417-436, 2012
Health benefits of anthocyanins and their encapsulation for potential use in food systems: a review
B Yousuf, K Gul, AA Wani, P Singh
Critical reviews in food science and nutrition 56 (13), 2223-2230, 2016
Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods: The Foods for the Future World
K Gul, AK Singh, R Jabeen
Critical reviews in food science and nutrition 56 (16), 2617-2627, 2016
Rice bran: Nutritional values and its emerging potential for development of functional food—A review
K Gul, B Yousuf, AK Singh, P Singh, AA Wani
Bioactive Carbohydrates and Dietary Fibre 6 (1), 24-30, 2015
Chemistry, encapsulation, and health benefits of β-carotene-A review
K Gul, A Tak, AK Singh, P Singh, B Yousuf, AA Wani
Cogent Food & Agriculture 1 (1), 1018696, 2015
The health benefits, functional properties, modifications, and applications of pea (Pisum sativum L.) protein: Current status, challenges, and perspectives
J Ge, CX Sun, H Corke, K Gul, RY Gan, Y Fang
Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety 19 (4), 1835-1876, 2020
Sweet cherry (Prunus avium): Critical factors affecting the composition and shelf life
AA Wani, P Singh, K Gul, MH Wani, HC Langowski
Food Packaging and Shelf life 1 (1), 86-99, 2014
Application of cold plasma and ozone technology for decontamination of Escherichia coli in foods-A review
A Niveditha, R Pandiselvam, VA Prasath, SK Singh, K Gul, A Kothakota
Food Control 130, 108338, 2021
The anticancer potential of the dietary polyphenol rutin: Current status, challenges, and perspectives
AK Farha, RY Gan, HB Li, DT Wu, AG Atanasov, K Gul, JR Zhang, ...
Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition 62 (3), 832-859, 2022
Functional and sensory properties of cookies prepared from wheat flour supplemented with cassava and water chestnut flours
A Bala, K Gul, CS Riar
Cogent Food & Agriculture 1 (1), 1019815, 2015
Graft polymerization of guar gum with acryl amide irradiated by microwaves for colonic drug delivery
M Shahid, SA Bukhari, Y Gul, H Munir, F Anjum, M Zuber, T Jamil, KM Zia
International journal of biological macromolecules 62, 172-179, 2013
Effect of hydrocolloids and dry heat modification on physicochemical, thermal, pasting and morphological characteristics of cassava (Manihot esculenta) starch
D Chandanasree, K Gul, CS Riar
Food Hydrocolloids 52, 175-182, 2016
Antimicrobial and anticancer applications and related mechanisms of curcumin-mediated photodynamic treatments
QQ Yang, AK Farha, G Kim, K Gul, RY Gan, H Corke
Trends in Food Science & Technology 97, 341-354, 2020
Recent advances in non-thermal processing technologies for enhancing shelf life and improving food safety
FM Allai, ZRAA Azad, NA Mir, K Gul
Applied Food Research 3 (1), 100258, 2023
Effect of ionic gums and dry heating on physicochemical, morphological, thermal and pasting properties of water chestnut starch
K Gul, CS Riar, A Bala, MS Sibian
LWT-Food Science and Technology 59 (1), 348-355, 2014
Emulsion structure design for improving the oxidative stability of polyunsaturated fatty acids
C Wang, C Sun, W Lu, K Gul, A Mata, Y Fang
Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety 19 (6), 2955-2971, 2020
Recent advances in the structure, synthesis, and applications of natural polymeric hydrogels
K Gul, RY Gan, CX Sun, G Jiao, DT Wu, HB Li, A Kenaan, H Corke, ...
Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition 62 (14), 3817-3832, 2022
Physical, textural, rheological, and sensory characteristics of amaranth‐based wheat flour bread
S Nasir, FM Allai, M Gani, S Ganaie, K Gul, A Jabeen, D Majeed
International Journal of Food Science 2020 (1), 8874872, 2020
Nutritional impact of ohmic heating on fruits and vegetables—A review
R Kaur, K Gul, AK Singh
Cogent Food & Agriculture 2 (1), 1159000, 2016
Prolamin‐based complexes: Structure design and food‐related applications
J Song, C Sun, K Gul, A Mata, Y Fang
Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety, 2021
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Articles 1–20