Articles with public access mandates - John O'HalloranLearn more
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b+ WSN: Smart beehive with preliminary decision tree analysis for agriculture and honey bee health monitoring
F Edwards-Murphy, M Magno, PM Whelan, J O’Halloran, EM Popovici
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 124, 211-219, 2016
Mandates: Irish Research Council
Food contaminant analysis at ultra‐high mass resolution: application of hybrid linear ion trap–orbitrap mass spectrometry for the determination of the polyether toxins …
Z Škrabáková, J O'Halloran, FNAM van Pelt, KJ James
Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 24 (20), 2966-2974, 2010
Mandates: Higher Education Authority, Ireland
Mussels increase xenobiotic (Azaspiracid) toxicity using a unique bioconversion mechanism
D O’Driscoll, Z Škrabáková, J O’Halloran, FNAM van Pelt, KJ James
Environmental science & technology 45 (7), 3102-3108, 2011
Mandates: Higher Education Authority, Ireland
Elucidation of the mass fragmentation pathways of the polyether marine toxins, dinophysistoxins, and identification of isomer discrimination processes
B Carey, MJF Sáez, B Hamilton, J O'Halloran, FNAM Van Pelt, KJ James
Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 26 (16), 1793-1802, 2012
Mandates: Higher Education Authority, Ireland
Investigation of the genotoxic potential of the marine biotoxins azaspiracid 1–3
B Doerr, J O'Halloran, N O'Brien, F van Pelt
Toxicon 121, 61-69, 2016
Mandates: Higher Education Authority, Ireland
Relationship between plantation forest and brown trout growth, energetics and population structure in peatland lakes in western Ireland
CT Graham, TJ Drinan, SSC Harrison, J O’Halloran
Forest ecology and management 321, 71-80, 2014
Mandates: Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Ireland, Environmental …
Anatoxin: chemistry, effects, source, metabolism, and detection
J Dauphard, M Lehane, F van Pelt, J O'Halloran, A Furey
Seafood and Freshwater Toxins, 1061-1072, 2014
Mandates: Higher Education Authority, Ireland, European Commission
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Polyethylene microplastics adhere to Lemna minor (L.), yet have no effects on plant growth or feeding by Gammarus duebeni (Lillj.)
A Mateos-Cárdenas, DT Scott, G Seitmaganbetova, NAM van Pelt Frank, ...
Science of the Total Environment 689, 413-421, 2019
Mandates: Environmental Protection Agency, Ireland
The contribution of insects to global forest deadwood decomposition
S Seibold, W Rammer, T Hothorn, R Seidl, MD Ulyshen, J Lorz, ...
Nature 597 (7874), 77-81, 2021
Mandates: German Research Foundation, European Commission, Federal Ministry of …
Shellfish toxicity: human health implications of marine algal toxins
KJ James, B Carey, J O'halloran, Z Škrabáková
Epidemiology & Infection 138 (7), 927-940, 2010
Mandates: Higher Education Authority, Ireland
Rapid fragmentation of microplastics by the freshwater amphipod Gammarus duebeni (Lillj.)
A Mateos-Cárdenas, J O’Halloran, FNAM van Pelt, MAK Jansen
Scientific reports 10 (1), 12799, 2020
Mandates: Environmental Protection Agency, Ireland
Effects of development of wind energy and associated changes in land use on bird densities in upland areas
D Fernández‐Bellon, MW Wilson, S Irwin, J O'Halloran
Conservation Biology 33 (2), 413-422, 2019
Mandates: Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Ireland
The effects of salinity on the Manila clam (Ruditapes philippinarum) using the neutral red retention assay with adapted physiological saline solutions
BM Coughlan, GA Moroney, F Van Pelt, NM O’Brien, J Davenport, ...
Marine Pollution Bulletin 58 (11), 1680-1684, 2009
Mandates: Higher Education Authority, Ireland
The value of plantation forests for plant, invertebrate and bird diversity and the potential for cross-taxon surrogacy
S Irwin, SM Pedley, L Coote, AC Dietzsch, MW Wilson, A Oxbrough, ...
Biodiversity and Conservation 23, 697-714, 2014
Mandates: Irish Research Council
Invading and expanding: range dynamics and ecological consequences of the greater white-toothed shrew (Crocidura russula) invasion in Ireland
AD McDevitt, WI Montgomery, DG Tosh, J Lusby, N Reid, TA White, ...
PloS one 9 (6), e100403, 2014
Mandates: Irish Research Council
Application of passive (SPATT) and active sampling methods in the profiling and monitoring of marine biotoxins
M McCarthy, FNAM van Pelt, V Bane, J O'Halloran, A Furey
Toxicon 89, 77-86, 2014
Mandates: Higher Education Authority, Ireland
Assessment of emerging biotoxins (pinnatoxin G and spirolides) at Europe's first marine reserve: Lough Hyne
M McCarthy, V Bane, M García-Altares, FNAM van Pelt, A Furey, ...
Toxicon 108, 202-209, 2015
Mandates: Higher Education Authority, Ireland
Can mixed stands of native and non-native tree species enhance diversity of epigaeic arthropods in plantation forests?
A Oxbrough, S García-Tejero, J Spence, J O’Halloran
Forest Ecology and Management 367, 21-29, 2016
Mandates: Irish Research Council
Implications of afforestation for bird communities: the importance of preceding land-use type
CT Graham, MW Wilson, T Gittings, TC Kelly, S Irwin, JL Quinn, ...
Biodiversity and Conservation 26, 3051-3071, 2017
Mandates: Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Ireland
Trophic transfer of microplastics in a model freshwater microcosm; lack of a consumer avoidance response
A Mateos-Cardenas, A von der Geest Moroney, FNAM van Pelt, ...
Food Webs 31, e00228, 2022
Mandates: Environmental Protection Agency, Ireland
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